Friday, September 4, 2020
Zea Mays Mendelian Inheritance Pattern
Zea Mays Mendelian Inheritance Pattern Mendelian Genetics Rough Draft Speculation I (Theory of Segregation) At anaphase I of meiosis, gamete arrangement causes a partition of alleles in a diploid living being. At the point when the chromosomes separate every individual will get an equivalent possibility of acquiring a predominant or passive allele from the mother or father. Since a pale skinned person and green posterity were seen inside a similar age, the guardians must be heterozygous since two latent alleles must be acquired by the posterity to communicate a passive pale skinned person quality after Mendels 3:1 (green: pale skinned person) proportion. Speculation II (Theory of Independent Assortment) During metaphase I of meiosis, the allele sets of various qualities will autonomously isolate from one another during the arrangement of gametes. The legacy of an allele is autonomous of different sets of alleles because of arbitrary arrangement of chromosomes. Since there were two heterozygous plants for both tallness and shading and were crossed, their posterity will follow Mendels proportion of 9:3:3:1. Materials Methods Acquiring and Maintaining Corn To evaluate the legacy examples of Zea Mays (corn plants) that contain chlorophyll and no chlorophyll and whether the phenotypes tallness is typical or overshadow in green or pale skinned person plants, the examination was directed at Pacific Lutheran Universitys Carol Sheffels Quigg Greenhouse. The plate of corn plants were checked under fake lights, controlled temperature, and watered by an understudy specialist for roughly fourteen days. Deciding Green versus Pale skinned person Seven plate of monohybrid corn plants were watched, and the stature and shading were utilized to depict the plants phenotype. Deciding Normal versus Smaller person Green versus Pale skinned person Five plate of dihybrid corn plants were seen to recognize green and pale skinned person from ordinary and diminutive person. For the dihybrid cross, they were watched utilizing the legacy of two qualities, shading, and tallness. The ordinary green stature plants are predominant introduced themselves as tall, spread out, and leaves were smaller, though the pale skinned person typical tallness plants are passive and were depicted as slender, absence of chlorophyll, and were wrinkly. The green diminutive person plants had chlorophyll and were shorter, while the pale skinned person predominate plants showed a wrinkled surface and earthy colored leaves. In the event that a portion of the corn plants showed earthy colored or passed on over the course, they were overlooked from this investigation. Information Analysis Deciding the phenotypic proportion of the dihybrid cross, of the typical green stature just as green-predominate, pale skinned person ordinary tallness, and pale skinned person overshadow seedlings, their anticipated frequencies were resolved utilizing a Punnet square to ascertain the potential genotypes and pale skinned person posterity to be available. Once these were resolved, they were registered to finish up the frequencies for the monohybrid and dihybrid cross through a Chi2 test to get the normal and watched values. Results Table 1: Compares heterozygous seedlings that show the anticipated number of green (G) and pale skinned person (W) while watching the phenotypic characteristics of chlorophyll and non-chlorophyll plants by Mendels first law of Segregation, (N=424) Zea Mays. Phenotype Anticipated # of posterity Watched # of posterity G (chlorophyll) 318 354 W (non-chlorophyll) 106 70 The watched qualities were near the phenotype expectation in the monohybrid cross, 75% showed a prevailing attribute, and 25% a passive characteristic. The normal and watched, (X2= 12, df = 1, p > 0.05), were not measurably noteworthy. Table 2: Compares the anticipated and watched phenotypes of green ordinary and diminutive person stature and pale skinned person typical and predominate tallness posterity phenotypes as anticipated by Mendels Theory of Independent Assortment to the quantity of watched phenotypes. Phenotype Anticipated # of posterity Watched # of posterity Green/Normal Green/Dwarf Pale skinned person/Normal 152 51 51 151 71 15 Pale skinned person/Dwarf 16 34 Watched attributes of ordinary versus overshadow green plants and pale skinned person plants, the phenotypic frequencies expected worth didn't follow Mendels proportion of 9:3:3:1. The watched qualities, (X2 = 53.5, df = 3, p Ends  â Our investigation bolsters the Mendelian legacy example of Zea Mays that both the parent strains on the monohybrid cross (Table 1) were heterozygous. The normal and watched, (X2= 12, df = 1, p > 0.05), were measurably huge with Mendels first law of isolation communicating green or pale skinned person following the phenotype proportion of 3:1. While, the parent strains on the dihybrid cross (Table 2) the watched qualities for the pale skinned person ordinary and pale skinned person predominate (X2 = 53.5, df = 3, p
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
HAPPINESS AND MORALITY Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Bliss AND MORALITY - Term Paper Example In light of the focuses raised by temperance morals, an individual is being good when he is performing moral acts. Along these lines, the imperative for developing a notoriety for being highminded is through performing acts that are good or idealistic which makes the individual gets good or upright. This is the core of her contention in regards to the alleged self-rule of joy and ethical quality with one another. Aristotle proposes â€Å"being good will make you happy†(qtd. in Vitrano 4), which Vitrano contends saying that the profound quality and scholarly character of an individual don't naturally prompt joy (3). In her words, Vitrano states â€Å"we do discover glad immoralists, individuals who intentionally defy the guidelines of society and seem unaffected by it†(3). Vitrano makes a conceivable clarification for her decision that an individual who seems, by all accounts, to be good needs first to perform highminded acts or by being righteous. One can't set up the ir picture as an idealistic individual without doing acts that have natural virtues in it. I concur with Vitrano that an appearance of an upright individual involves the real doing of things which are regarded ethical. For example, a president isn't viewed as an upright individual without acting like one, for example, canceling capital punishment since it is professional life. On the off chance that the president does the inverse by marking the maintenance of that death penalty, on a philosophical point of view, he gives off an impression of being shameless by doing the specific inverse of a temperate demonstration. In view of Aristotelian viewpoint, good or scholarly ethics are the way to satisfaction; which means, inability to seem righteous by not performing moral acts doesn't satisfy an individual. Be that as it may, I do concur with Vitrano that ethical demonstrations don't really result to joy since it is a free area separated from profound quality and knowledge. This has addi tionally a similar rationale with what Martin says, â€Å"Individuals favored with each favorable luck can be troubled on the grounds that they are discouraged, and people with minimal favorable luck can at present be happy†(8). Similarly that fortune doesn't mean joy, doing moral acts additionally doesn't consequently prompt satisfaction. Pascal’s Wager: Similarities and Differences with Vitrano’s Christine Vitrano’s perspective on joy and profound quality offers a few likenesses with Pascal’s Wager. Both Vitrano and Pascal recognized the subjectivity among people as far as thinking their condition of joy and their religion. Vitrano states that joy can't be understood on the volume of material belongings an individual has or the good and scholarly reason for their activities (3). Bliss is when people see their lives decidedly, yet fortune or getting things done with ethical quality and scholarly reason as establishments (Vitrano 3). At the end of the day, human joy relies upon the individual viewpoint of the individual with respect to the manner in which the person in question lives. This view is epitomized in the â€Å"life fulfillment view†that follows the subjectivity of one’s reason for being in a condition of satisfaction (Vitrano 3). On one hand, Blaise Pascal in his work Pensees, epitomized in his Wager the justification behind each religion. In a similar case as Mathematics accepts the presence of an endless number in spite of the fact that its appearance has not yet been seen, a similar case applies to the presence of God. In Pascal’s Wager, he evaluates that God is â€Å"infinitely incomprehensible†in light of the fact that he isn't, by proclivity, identified with us, and that he has neither â€Å"
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis Of Deep River Rock Case Study †
Question: Examine about the Analysis Of Deep River Rock Case Study. Answer: Presentation Profound River Rock entered the Irish market in the year 1994 and has additionally experienced colossal development in the following hardly any years. Profound River Rock is considered as a top notch water bottle organization of the Irish beginning where the water is sourced from the cold slopes of the Co Antrim. The water is additionally viewed as wealthy in magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. The organization has extended its pack size and has additionally offered a helpful size to the motivation behind hydration (Wright and Kadir 2015). The association has propelled the 1 liter pack in the year 2015 in light of the more noteworthy needs of the buyers. Profound River Rock is for the most part enthusiastic about empowering the hydration related motivations behind the buyers by giving a wide scope of items and further aiding in the upgrade of physical and mental execution. Profound River Rock has propelled its new plans in the year 2016 to satisfy the necessities of the shopper s (Chan et al. 2014). Profound River Rock was changed over into a worldwide brand by the Coca-Cola Bottlers Ireland. Coca-Cola is a worldwide brand which has its quality in numerous nations on the planet and the base camp of the organization is situated in Atlanta. Georgia. Coca Cola is an association of American starting point. The deals and income of the organization has been expanding in the ongoing years and the gallon deals of Coca Cola was disseminated as, 43% in US, 37% in Mexico, Pakistan, India, Japan, Brazil and China. Profound River Rock was showcased by Coca Cola with the assistance of the dispersion and deals related information on the organization. The organization was formed into a brand with the characteristics of vital reasoning and natural showcasing. Profound River Rock had become a static brand in the year 1999 with a portion of 5.2% and the improvement was required in the organization if it somehow managed to make due in the market ( 2018). Investigation of the item and the part Ireland water showcase examination The filtered water showcase in Ireland has been developing in a quick pace since the most recent couple of years. The individuals of Ireland appear to have no issues in paying for the packaged waters and they will in general spend more than millions on the filtered water each year. The residents tend to spend substantially more on the day by day utilization of filtered water when contrasted with the water charges that were taken by the administration beforehand. The water bottles consistently have a tremendous piece of the pie in the business of Ireland. Filtered water has been one of the most elevated sought after soda pop in the market of Ireland (Erevelles, Fukawa and Swayne 2016). The players in the water bottle market of Ireland are for the most part worldwide brands and they toll very well in the market also. The deals of the packaged waters have been developing in the ongoing years in both worth and volumes. The resurgent economy of the nation is fundamentally liable for the d evelopment of the deals of filtered water. The three driving players in the market of packaged waters in Ireland are, Danone Waters, Britvic Ireland and the Coca Cola HBC Ireland. The three organizations together hols around 43% of the all out piece of the pie in the nation (Fresneda and Gefen 2017). Merger of Coca Cola and Deep River Rock Ireland The complete estimation of the Ireland water advertise is around 129 million Euros and the developing pace of the market is 11% every year. Coca Cola had attempted the Deep River Rock organization in the year 1995 and the organization despite everything indicated static development in the year 1999. The Coca Cola organization at that point embraced some promoting related exercises which were identified with the advancement of the Deep River Rock brand. The filtered water showcase was at that point loaded up with numerous global and effective players and it was hard for Deep River Rock to make a situation in this industry. The fundamental purchasers of the packaged waters in Ireland were the more youthful populace of the nation (Karimi and Naghibi 2015). The more youthful gathering of shoppers had accordingly become a rewarding business sector for the organization as they bought the littler jugs substantially more and in high frequencies. The primary dread of the association was that the filtered water organizations in Ireland can get commoditised soon. The organization had then proposed imaginative promotions for their items with the goal that they pull in the intended interest group. The slogan of the principal commercial of the organization was Water you wear. In spite of the fact that the slogan had appeared to be good for nothing for some individuals, it turned into the living and brand for the organization. The bundling of the jugs was likewise changed and the character of Deep River Rock in the market was totally new (Lendel and Varmus 2015). The character of the brand was made in a special way with the assistance of different promoting channels including, web encompassing, conveyance vans, over the-line publicizing, in-store POS and some more. The correspondence with the clients was performed by the organization with the assistance of TV in the beginning periods as the financial plan was constrained. Radio was likewise utilized as a mode of publicizing for the organization. Another spending plan was infused in the organization in the year 2003 and the following phase of advancements were presented by the organization (Ã… ½k 2015). The relationship with the buyers were improved and the organization presented two new publicizing efforts with the names, Convenience Store and Changing room. The notices were then positioned on the bustling stations like Dublin with the goal that the compass of the organization can be expanded further (Matei, Antonovici and Savulescu 2015). The second period of the showcasing capacities began from the year 2005 and is being proceeded till right now. The following promoting effort had the slogan of Purer than you. This was trailed by the adjustments in bundling of the items and this helped the association in making a brand in Ireland. The Purer than you named battle of Deep River rick was propelled in the year 2005 and numerous new TV notices were likewise presented in the market. These commercials gave Deep River Rock the highest situation in the market of Ireland. Over the most recent 10 years the organization has been developing ceaselessly and the credit of this has been given to the adjustments in the publicizing related battles of the organization. Profound River Rock has been developing in the Ireland showcase from the year 1999 and the organization has accomplished record deals in the 2016. The significant purpose for the nonstop achievement of the organization is the inventive promoting approach that has been st ructured throughout the years (Rozdolskaya et al. 2014). The scope of items that are offered by the organization is additionally expanding and it is currently ready to pull in an ever increasing number of clients towards the brand. The different results of the organization have been moved to no calories sugar free items. The pack sizes of the items are likewise expanding and is giving wellbeing related advantages to the shoppers. The organization has as of late presented the Think Straight HYDRATE crusade and has propelled items like, Deep River Rock Revive Magnesium which gives consolation to the shoppers to begin with hydration and remain ahead (Whalen et al. 2016). The other item that was propelled under this battle was named as Deep River Rock Revive Zinc which asks the customers to begin with hydration and remain ahead. Two other creative results of the organization were propelled with the names, Deep River Rock Relax Mint and Deep River Rock Relax Lavender. The medical advantages gave by the results of the organization are fundamenta l factors that pulls in the customers of all age gatherings (Wright et al. 2015). Proposals Advancement has been the fundamental element of the Deep River Rock brand and this can additionally assist the organization with increasing its deals in the market and hold the position that it has made in the business. The drawn out promoting of Deep River Rock has been perceived by the IAPI ADFX Awards. The organization had the option to fabricate its image over the most recent 10 years with the assistance of the publicizing strategies. DRR can keep up its situation by adding more items to its range with the goal that they can arrive at more clients. The organization can likewise focus on worldwide extension as Coca Cola is a known worldwide brand in numerous nations in Europe and Asia. The brand estimation of Coca Cola can be of colossal assistance for the expanding of piece of the pie of Deep River Rock. Profound River Rock can point towards expanding its client reach with the assistance of internet based life which can help them in expanding the client base and reach. Profound R iver Rock as of now has a page in Twitter and Facebook and the promoting of the items in these pages can end up being viable for the organization. Extension of the organization in different nations and providing their items to the worldwide clients will help them in further expanding their piece of the pie and keeping up their top situation also. The remarkable medical advantages that are given by the items can act the selling highlight for the association in the market. This will empower Deep River Rock to arrive at new statures in the market. References Chan, F.T., Nayak, A., Raj, R., Chong, A.Y.L. also, Manoj, T., 2014. An imaginative gracefully chain execution estimation framework joining innovative work (RD) and promoting policy.Computers Industrial Engineering,69, pp.64-70. Erevelles, S., Fukawa, N. what's more, Swayne, L., 2016. Large Data buyer examination and the change of marketing.Journal of Business Research,69(2), pp.897-904. Fresneda, J. what's more, Gefen, D., 2017. Applying Text Analysis to Determine Factors That Increase the Assessed Usefulness of Online Product Reviews: An Abstract. InCreating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends(pp. 1405-1406). Springer, Cham. (2018).Deep RiverRock. [online] Available at: our-brands-and-items/profound riverrock/[Accessed 5 Mar. 2018]. Karimi, S. furthermore, Naghibi, H.S., 2015. Internet based life promoting (SMM) strategie
A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11
A Journal sentiment article - Essay Example When contrasted with a similar period a year ago, JP Morgan enlisted a decrease in bond exchanging income by 21%. Also, the bank income got from the home loan decreased to 84%. Significant perspective that caused the terrible showing by the bank was because of vulnerabilities that encompassed the US economy to the extent loaning to buyers and exchanging volumes are concerned. Being one of the Wall Street banks to post the decreased income, JP Morgan demonstrates how the money related area has been confronted with challenges in the main quarter of 2014. Moreover, larger part of the organizations claimed by the bank including the business loaning and the Mastercards demonstrated low benefits. This came about to decreased complete income for the bank in the primary quarter a viewpoint that may bring about decrease of yearly income if the pattern of the low execution in the budgetary segment proceeds in the rest of the quarters. As indicated by the bank, the net gain tumbled to $5.27 bil lion which is equal to $1.28 per share structure the $6.53bn, or $1.59 per share which was knowledgeable about a similar period in 2013. As per the examiners, the bank gaining per share was required to remain at $1.40 per share. Be that as it may, this was not accomplished because of the decrease in net income which experienced 8.5% tumble to remain at $22.99bn while the bank anticipated that all out income should remain at $24.53billion. Thus, in the premarket exchanging, JP shares marked down by 3.3% to sell at $55.50 going amiss from $61 most significant expenses that the bank has kept up throughout the previous 13 years. This is a significant pointer of lackluster showing of the bank a perspective that may result to low degree of trust from the clients just as speculators. In spite of the low execution by the JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, the CEO shows that the biggest bank in US is making trust in the country’s economy. As the aftereffect of
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a Final Paper
How to Write a Final PaperYou might be the type of student who has trouble sitting through a course, let alone a final paper, and this is one of the first things that you need to think about when you want to know how to write a final paper. The syllabus is usually quite long and has very little room for creative ideas or new concepts. On top of that, a lot of the material will be very boring and don't give enough information to the student in question, so it becomes even more difficult to write a quality paper.But, the key to writing a final paper is to not let it get to you. If you feel that you are struggling, you should start looking for ways to get some help. There are several writing help resources that will help you become a better writer. And with the right kind of help, you can achieve your goal of writing a final paper, without losing your cool.The next step to how to write a final paper is to look for the types of topics that you find interesting. You can pick up a book tha t is about particular subjects or go online and do a search for information that interests you. This will make it easier for you to write a final paper that is enjoyable to read and that can help to satisfy your professor's expectations.You can also use a computer to help you learn how to write a final paper. There are several programs that allow you to choose the topic that you want to cover in the final paper. You can also look for videos on how to write a final paper on the internet. You can also use resources such as books and sites to learn how to write a final paper effectively.With the right type of help, you can learn how to write a final paper quickly and easily. The different resources available online will help you learn how to use common writing software and to figure out how to write a final paper without having to spend hours trying to figure it out. The majority of these types of courses will have step-by-step instructions. If you find the right resource for how to wr ite a final paper, it will be much easier for you to master the process of writing a final paper in a short amount of time.The problem with how to write a final paper is that there are many students who struggle with this part of their degree. However, you don't have to fall into this category if you get help and start working on your paper early. The important thing is to know that your professor will always review your work and make suggestions on how to improve it. So it will be important for you to always be working on your paper at least once a week to keep it moving forward.Remember that how to write a final paper is something that will stay with you for years to come. Because of this, you should make sure that you are able to write a good paper and retain it as well. Even if it takes you a while to get used to the style and to write a good final paper, there is no harm in trying.One of the main factors in how to write a final paper is learning how to make it more entertaining and interesting. There are many options available to you online and offline that will help you master the skill of how to write a final paper.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for December 15th, 2019
Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for December 15th, 2019 Sponsored by Read Harder Journal, a reading log brought to you by Book Riot. These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals The Likeness by Tana French for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Power by Naomi Alderman for $3.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Hole: A Novel by Hye-young Pyun and translated by Sora Kim-Russell for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Here and Now and Then: A Novel by Mike Chen for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals Florida by Lauren Groff for $4.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Dragon Republic (The Poppy War Book 2) by R. F. Kuang for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Previous Daily Deals That Are Still Active As Of This Writing (Get em While Theyre hot!): Goldie Vance Vol. 1 by Hope Larson, illustrated by Brittney Williams for $4.49 Guapa by Saleem Haddad for $1.99 The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep by H. G. Parry for $2.99 Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman for $2.99 The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind by Michio Kaku for $2.99 The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon for $1.99 What Doesnt Kill You Makes You Blacker: A Memoir in Essays by Damon Young for $2.99 The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter for $2.99 Ten Women by Marcela Serrano, translated by Beth Fowler for $3.99 Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri for $4.99 Queen of the Conquered by Kacen Callender for $2.99 Internment by Samira Ahmed for $3.49 Blackfish City by Sam J. Miller for $1.99 Travels by Michael Crichton for $1.99 A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Invasive by Chuck Wendig for $1.99 Marlena by Julie Buntin for $1.99. The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang for $2.99 Slayer by Kiersten White for $1.99 Chasing Down a Dream by Beverly Jenkins for $2.99 The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe for $1.99 The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow for $2.99 I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo for $2.99 Im Telling the Truth, but Im Lying by Bassey Ikpi for $2.99 Upstream: Selected Essays by Mary Oliver for $4.99 Vita Nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko, translated by Julia Meitov Hersey for $1.99 Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds for $1.99 All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks for $1.99 How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu for $2.99 News of the World by Paulette Jiles for $2.99 A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum for $2.99 Dont Call Us Dead by Danez Smith for $2.99 Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore for $2.99 The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi for $2.99 Fatality in F (A Gethsemane Brown Mystery Book 4) by Alexia Gordon for $4.99 Reckless by Selena Montgomery for $3.99 Fruit of the Drunken Tree by Ingrid Rojas Contreras for $4.99 Black Water Rising by Attica Locke for $1.99 The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco for $0.99 Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds for $2.99 The Ensemble: A Novel by Aja Gabel for $4.99 Cant Escape Love by Alyssa Cole for $1.99 Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson for $5.99 Ark by Veronica Roth for $1.99 Ten Women by Marcela Serrano for $3.99 Flights by Olga Tokarczuk for $4.99 The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith for $0.99 Ormeshadow by Priya Sharma for $3.99 Sisters of the Vast Black by Lina Rather for $3.99 Prophecy by Ellen Oh for $2.99 Along for the Ride by Mimi Grace for $2.99 Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Passion and Virtue in The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale and The Rivals - Literature Essay Samples
In both Chaucer’s ‘The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale’ and Sheridan’s ‘The Rivals’, the question of morality is not a straightforward one, as there is tension surrounding the purpose of marriage and traditional social expectations. However, Chaucer’s exploration of passion and whether lust and virtue can co-exist is far more controversial that that of Sheridan, who in a true Georgian fashion, only lightly challenges contemporary attitudes towards morality. In both works, the sense of resolution is limited and slightly ambiguous as the audience is left uncertain as to whether the writers’ promote virtue over passion or simply reject their protagonists’ efforts due to the inevitability of masculine authority in social hierarchy. In `The Wife of Bath’s Prologue’ Chaucer depicts Alisoun as a fiery temptress whose controversial perspective of marriage strongly challenges medieval attitudes towards virtue and godliness. This lascivious portrayal of Alisoun would have been deeply displeasing to a medieval audience who would have valued virtuous living and the avoidance of sin above all the elements in Christian teaching. Therefore, Chaucer’s Alisoun would have been a thoroughly indecent figure, as arguably for a medieval audience, the co-existence of lust and Christian values would be impossible. Throughout the novel, Chaucer presents Alisoun as an immoral figure by contemporary standards as she not only chooses to reject the authority of the Church on marriage and instead uses this same authority to justify her own lustful nature. Her controversial stand-point of marriage is presented through Chaucer’s exploration of the wo that is in marriage, whereby the wo viewed by Alisoun differs to that of the clergy. For the Church, the wo in marriage is the act of sex which despite its function as a religious sacrament, was perceived as a dirty act by the clergy which distances a person from God. Alisoun recognises that virginitee is a parfit state, however she chooses to revel in her promiscuity as she nil envye no virginitee. However, Alisoun is not an adulterer, and so her immorality is not through the fact that she engages in sexual acts with her `five housboundes’ but that she has manipulated the authority of the Church to fulfil her sexual desires and remains conspicuously childless in the process, despite recognising that God bad us to wexe and multiply. The irony of this claim clearly shows that Alisoun is indeed aware that she is unvirtuous as the only way she can justify promiscuity is by using the patriarchal system. Therefore, despite the fact that some feminist critics would label the Wife as an anti-patriarchal hero (Susan Gubar), she ironically rein forces negative medieval attitudes of the day. Chaucer immediately highlights Alisoun’s misconstrued perspective on the wo that is in marriage, which suggests that the act of sex in marriage, although is frowned upon by the clergy, despite it being necessary for child-bearing. Whereas a more modern audience would be perhaps more tolerant of Alisoun’s reasoning due to more liberal attitudes associated with free-love, Chaucer’s presentation of her is far from virtuous in keeping with conservative attitudes of the day of it being immoral, as she remains conspicuously childless, despite her assured claim that God bad us to wexe and multiply. Therefore, whereas for the clergy the wo in marriage Is associated with immorality, for Alisoun is marks the complete opposite, the idea that she lacks maistree (power), and is subjected to the restrictions imposed by patriarchal society. Whilst in `The Wife of Bath’s Tale and Prologue’, the Wife’s views are labelled as immoral, In Sheridan’s `The Rivals’, references to sex in marriage are far more implicit, as the characters labelled as immoral are those who pose some sort of challenge to the social expectations of the day. Lydia is the epitome of virginal purity at love-breathing seventeen as opposed the gat-toothed Alisoun, however her passion lies in seeking knowledge, as she languishes in her bedroom reading texts such as the The Delicate Distress and The Innocent Adulterer, a thoroughly indecent French novel frowned upon by a Georgian audience. Here, passion is not necessarily associated with sex, however the stigma attached to the longing of female education in the play is viewed with the same distaste as Alisoun’s promiscuity in the ‘The Wife of Bath’s Prologue’. Both writers’ therefore elude that passion, whether it is physical, or in the fo rm of female education, cannot coexist with virtue as virtue can only exist when there is social conformity. Sheridan presents this idea through the dialogue between the older generation in the play, Sir Anthony and Mrs Malaprop, who although are not exempt from Sheridan’s criticism, fiercely believe that learning does not become of a woman and that a circulating library will cause Lydia to long for the fruit of the tree of diabolical knowledge. Sir Anthony’s hot-headed attack on female education paired with references to the role of Eve in the Fall of Man in Genesis suggests that passion is sinful. Chaucer also refers to the Fall of Man in the Prologue when Alisoun speaks of Eva’s wikkednesse. Although these texts were written and published in different centuries, it is evident that religion always has and will continue to underpin society’s general perception of passion and lust, largely associated with immorality. On the other hand, whilst Chaucer’s depiction of Alisoun’s reasoning is flawed, her values presented in the Prologue are to a certain extent, well-justified. In the Prologue, it is clear that despite Chaucer’s portrayal of Alisoun through a medieval male lens which we would expect to condition his viewpoint of women as natural inferior to men, Chaucer appears to criticise the unjust nature of patriarchy. For example, Chaucer proposes the idea that wealth and social status does not necessarily equate to chivalric code of conduct or gentillesse. The Knight in the Prologue uses his might to rafte the ‘’maidenhed’ (virginitee) of the girl by the river. Consequently Chaucer places the fate of the Knight in the hands of the Queen, thus reversing the idea of male maistree as the queene, al at hir will’’ chose wheither she wolde him save or spille.. Therefore, whilst Alisoun is largely the subject of criticism in the Prologue, Chaucer al so highlights the immorality of men. It appears that although wealth and social status can be acquired through linage of a gentil house, gentillesse is not planted naturaleelly as a truly gentil man is one who dooth gentil dedis. Therefore, despite Alisoun’s `immorality, it is clear that her attitudes towards chivalry are commendable. This idea is supported by feminist critics such as Jackie Shead have noted that The quest and its outcome is a salutary lesson to males about not overriding women. Indeed, evidently Chaucer is not a feminist in the same was that a modern audience would perceive one to be, however he does invite the audience to question what it is to be moral or immoral by social standards and to a great degree, the line between is ambiguous. Both Sheridan and Chaucer present females as flawed characters however alike to how Chaucer appears to admire Alisoun’s rejection of medieval attitudes towards social-hierarchy, Sheridan also commends Lydia’s efforts to seek independence. Both the Wife of Bath and Lydia arguably have admirable values despite being portrayed as immoral in their society. However, the dark reality of both texts is that their efforts to obtain change is largely futile as in The Rivals Lydia compromises her independence to live in unalloyed happiness with Jack and the Knight in the Prologue obtains a wife both faire and goode despite his crime. Therefore, both of the endings of these texts reinforce the inevitability of the unjust treatment of women in Patriarchal society. Chaucer makes this apparent through Alisoun’s use of language which undermines her argument in the Prologue. Critic Elaine Treharne argues that in the Prologue, Chaucer fundamentally accomplished the depiction of a woman who is undermined by her own proxility and hyperbole, and who, furthermore, exhibits virtually all the elements of womens’ stereotypical language. Evidence of Treharne’s criticism is reflected by Chaucer’s use of hyperbole and vernacular language paired with references with ecclesiastical connotations. For example, Alisoun places great emphasis on the auctoritee of the scripture when referencing to the Apostle, the Parables of Solomon and Jobes pacience however, she undermines this authority when adopting language which reinforces her immoral nature such as my bel chose (pretty thing- a euphemism for her vagina) and For hadde myn housbonde pissed on a wal. To conclude, both writers provide an indefinite answer the question of whether their characters are immoral or virtuous however through this deliberate ambiguity, it is apparent that there is tension between the views of men and women, ordinary folk and clergy men towards morality and virtue. Both female protagonists are motivated by their desire for independence, whether it is sexually or through female education. Arguably, the immoral presentation of Alisoun is far more controversial than Sheridan’s Lydia, however interestingly both their efforts are unsuccessful due to the futility of passion and lust in patriarchal society.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Modern Penal Systems The United States Adversarial System
In contemporary societies, crime is an undeniable fact of daily life. Modern penal systems are developed in order to bring justice towards those who transgress the inviolable laws and regulations imposed by the current legislative body. In the United States adversarial system, a common quandary associated with proper administration of justice is the question of who is liable for actions committed by members of a group or organization that has been found to be associated with organized crime. In the 1970’s, in the wake of a slew of crimes perpetrated by members of the Mafia, the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act was established and signed into law by the Nixon administration. Under this act, simply referred to as R.I.C.O., leaders and members of a crime syndicate could be held on trial for criminal penalties for actions that they ordered others to perform. A major implication of this act was that an element of ambiguity inherent in the current criminal code was closed, thereby denying organized crime members immunity under the law for simply ordering the commission of crimes by lower members of the criminal conglomerate. Though the R.I.C.O. Act was established specifically in regards to racketeering, which includes the operation of illegal business through the imitation of a legitimate business, as well as the laundering of illegal funds through legitimate business, the actions deemed admissible for the establishment of a R.I.C.O. case have been expandedShow MoreRelatedThe Criminal Justice System Of The United States Constitution1184 Words  | 5 Pagesauthority to arrest, indict, try, and sentence individuals that have been accused of committing a crime. In an attempt to balance this authority the United States Constitution guarantees a number of inalienable rights to protect its citizens against tyrannical government power. These rights create the framework of the adversarial criminal justice system that relies heavily on the advo cacy of each party and a relatively passive and impartial judge acting as a neutral arbiter. The objective of this structureRead MoreComparative Criminal Justice System Essay2183 Words  | 9 PagesComparative Criminal Justice Systems September 1, 2011 With so many different cultural and historical perspectives, it can change the way the criminal justice system works. Two types of criminal justice systems in which bring a lot of historical and cultural perspective include Iraq and Italy. Both countries also have legal tradition in which help in the way the criminal justice system works. In addition, both politics and legal issues can also cause the criminal justice system to change. HoweverRead MoreJapans Civil Law System2611 Words  | 11 PagesJapan’s Civil Law System Gwen, Simmons Japan’s Civil Law System The purpose of civil law is to resolve non-criminal disputes. These disagreements may occur over the meaning of contracts, divorce, child custody, property ownership, either personal, or property damage. Civil courts are a place where decisions can be made to solve problems peacefully. The goal of a civil court is to provide legal remedies that ultimately solve problems. Civil law can be based on state or federal statuteRead More A Philosophical Perspective on the Regulation of Business3046 Words  | 13 PagesBusiness ABSTRACT: The paper compares the Anglo-American and continental legal systems in parallel with a comparison of the philosophical foundations for each. The defining philosophical distinction between the two legal traditions (viz., the Anglo-American system is predicated on idealism and the continental system on materialism) is shown to influence the way in which criminal justice is handled by the two systems as applied to citizens, and how this influence is carried across to the regulationRead MoreCivil Law vs Common Law2192 Words  | 9 Pagesthat govern its people and its relations with the rest of the world. Whereas, international law governs relations between states, institutions, and individuals across national boundaries, municipal law governs this same person within the boundaries of a particular state. The comparative law, which is the study, analysis, and comparison of the different municipal law systems, classifies countries into legal families. The two widely distribute d families are the Romano-Germanic Civil Law and the Anglo-AmericanRead MoreRestorative Justice in the Prison Setting5289 Words  | 22 PagesInternational Centre for Prison Studies King’s College University of London United Kingdom A Paper presented at the conference of the International Prison Chaplains Association (Europe) Driebergen The Netherlands 13 May 2001 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE IN THE PRISON SETTING Dr Andrew Coyle International Centre for Prison Studies King’s College University of London United Kingdom A Personal Context I would like to begin by thankingRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice Is A Legal System3495 Words  | 14 Pagesother hand, juvenile delinquency or juvenile crime refers to the involvement of a minor or a person under age 18 in an illegal act. The juvenile justice is a legal system whose task is to protect children. It deals with children’s protection and those in conflict with the Indian law (Scott Steinberg, 2008). The ever changing society modern society, children tend to rediscover themselves before they attain the majority age. It has been argued that the increasing exposure of children to the media includingRead MoreDescribe How to Establish Respectful Professional Relationships with Adults52870 Words  | 212 PagesCONSTRUCTING THE TEAM by Sir Michael Latham Joint Review of Procurement and Contractual Arrangements in the United Kingdom Construction Industry Final Report July 1994  © Crown copyright 1994 Applications for reproduction should be made to HMSO First published 1994 ISBN 0 11 752994 X Designed by Design, Drawing and Print Services DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT Foreword Constructing the Team ................................................. v Executive Summary ........Read MoreNational Security Outline Essay40741 Words  | 163 Pages3: Development of the International Law of Conflict Management 5 CHAPTER 4: The Use of Force in International Relations: Norms Concerning the Initiation of Coercion (JNM) 7 CHAPTER 5: Institutional Modes of Conflict Management 17 The United Nations System 17 Proposals for Strengthening Management Institutional Modes of Conduct 23 CHAPTER 6: The Laws of War and Neutrality 24 CHAPTER 7: War Crimes and Nuremberg Principle 28 CHAPTER 12: Nuclear Weapons: Deployment, Targeting and Deterrence
Monday, May 18, 2020
Summary Of The Making Of Europe Conquest, Colonization...
Supposing if the fabled Tower of Babel actually existed, it ought to have been in medieval Europe. Certainly the Biblical parable of linguistic unity and its following collapse parallels all too closely with the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, with a splintered Europe emerging from its shadow. And it is the events within this particular shadow that Robert Bartlett discusses in his book The Making Of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 930-1350. Bartlett explores medieval Europe, discussing the particularly crucial years of 1000-1250 A.D. when a fragmentized Europe progressed to a single distinctive cultural force; Bartlett s main thesis purports that the creation of a recognizable European cultural entity was the product of Western Christian Civilizations conquest, colonization, and indoctrination of the rest of the continent; it would subdue its rivals and create a single, and increasingly uniform European identify. Bartlett marshals his thesis by discussing the m ajor historical processes that effected and incited Christian, and more specifically Frankish and Anglo-Saxon, expansion. The Frankish and Anglo-Saxon cultures that spread from the core of Europe would conquer and colonize regions in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Celtic area . This was achieved through the spread of Bishoprics, emigration of the aristocracy, innovative military technology and cultural diffusion . Bartlett goes on to discusses the rise of new free towns thatShow MoreRelatedThe First Crusades During The Crusades1771 Words  | 8 PagesCrusades were a major reason for why Europe came out of the Dark Ages. After 200 years of darkness, Europe had a rebirth. The Crusades were not an early example of European colonization even if they did create some kingdoms there for a while. (â€Å"The Crusades†). It has been argued that the knights who went adventuring in the Crusades were the second and third sons of nobles who, because of European inheritance rules, had little to look forward by staying in Europe. However, most of the people who respondedRead MoreThe Philippine Architecture: Spanish Colonial Period18287 Words  | 74 PagesSpanish; the way the Filipinos think of standards, the way Filipinos design, and the way Filipinos appreciate things. It can always be reflected on the buildings and houses that Spanish Colonization really made a mark in the Philippines. Typical Filipino houses evolved for the better because of their colonization. Our towns, streets, and governance were merely patterned on theirs. The formation of our streets, houses, and groupings of each citizen were simply adopted from the Spaniards. ReligionRead MoreChristianity as a Unifying Influence in the History of Europe6059 Words  | 25 PagesChristianity as a Unifying Influence in the History of Europe Europe was a Christian creation, not only in essence but in minute detail The above statement can perhaps best sum up the relationship between Christianity and Europe throughout the ages. Christianity has been the strongest single influence in the history of Europe. Regardless of the century, no discussion would be complete without reference being made, at least in small part, to the Church. It is true that in recent centuriesRead MoreInstitutions as a Fundamental Cause of Long-Run14323 Words  | 58 Pagespolitical power 8.2. Political power and political institutions 8.3. A theo~y political institutions of 9. The theory in action 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. Rise of constitutionalmonarchy and economic growth in early modem Europe Summary Rise of electoral democracy in Britain Summary 10. Future avenues Acknowledgements References Abstract This paper develops the empirical and theoretical case that differences in economic institutions are the fundamental cause of differences in economic developmentRead MoreFrom Extravagant Movie Theatres to Lowly Bomba Houses: Investigating the Degeneration of City Spaces Along Claro M. Recto Avenue, Manila10891 Words  | 44 Pagesadaptation showcased by those living or working on the area, perceived as an innovative type of reaction. Through these findings, the argument detailing the overall process of deterioration of city spaces through time, as brought about by rapid social changes, is elucidated. I. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study With explicit sexual titles such as â€Å"Hayok: Hanggang Saan ka Papasok?†and â€Å"Gisingin ang Gabi,†bomba houses, albeit limited in number, tryRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. 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Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, HistoricalRead MoreRethinking Mercantalism Essay15042 Words  | 61 Pageshas suggested to so many people the absurd idea of the philosopher’s stone.†The Council of Castile sought colonies in the New World exclusively in â€Å"the hope of finding treasures of gold there.†â€Å"The first adventurers of all the other nations of Europe, who attempted to make settlements in America,†Smith noted with contempt, â€Å"were animated by the like chimerical views; but they were not equally successful.†1 With these elegant words and with his tightly reasoned arguments, Smith seared intoRead MoreInstitution as the Fundamental Cause of Long Tern Growth39832 Words  | 160 Pagesof differences in economic development. We first document the empirical importance of institutions by focusing on two quasi-natural experiments in history, the division of Korea into two parts with very different economic institutions and the colonization of much of the world by European powers starting in the fifteenth century. We then develop the basic outline of a framework for thinking about why economic institutions differ across countries. Economic institutions determine the incentives ofRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words  | 316 Pagesor replace passages that, as a result of the lapse in time between their original publication and the printing of this volume, have become obsolete and no longer correspond to the present state of my investigations.** Thus, in the case of partial changes in my orientation, or simply of new developments, or even when recent contributions to the field by other authors had to be accounted for, I have preferred toupdate merely by adding notes (rather long ones when necessary) instead of modifying the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Rhetorical Devices Used By Brave New World Essay - 2350 Words
Brave New World Chapter 4-6 1. Rhetorical device (can use diction, sentence structure, grammar, etc) and/or Logical Fallacies: Identify 5 Rhetorical devices or Logical Fallacies in each chapter and discuss what effect it has on the tone, message, etc – in other words, what is its significance? Quote with page number Rhetorical Device/ Fallacy Effect ** This is the MOST IMPORTANT part, so make this really insightful** â€Å"Bernard’s physique was hardly better than that of the average Gamma†. pg. 64 (Describing Helmholtz) â€Å"He was a powerfully built man, deep-chested, broad-shouldered, massive†¦a beautifully shaped head†¦handsome...a lecturer at the College of Emotional Engineering†¦the Escalator-Squash champion†¦[and] had six hundred and forty different girls in under four years†. pgs. 66-67 Juxtaposition Bernard juxtaposes Helmholtz. He is an Alpha-Plus who fails to fit in with his caste due to his scrawny physique. His physical stature is no different than those of the average Gamma. It is evident that his conditioning is incomplete as he doesn’t enjoy community events, promiscuous sex, or sports and doesn’t see the need to take soma. Helmholtz is handsome, physically superior, can get any female he chooses, and is more intelligent than Bernard. Unlike Bernard, he is also well respected and is very comfortable in his caste. â€Å"Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one, Like drops within the Social River; Oh, make us now together run As swiftly as thy shining Flivver†. pg. 81Show MoreRelatedThe Reflection Of The Apollo 11 Moon Landing1116 Words  | 5 Pagesthe memories of the witnesses. The Apollo 11 moon landing is one of them. It is described as one of the most historic moments in science. The rare occasion was not only broadcasted around the world, but many writers wrote about this event. There are four Apollo 11 texts that use effective rhetorical devices that truly explain and display what took place on July 16th, 1969. The first text is an article called â€Å"Man Takes First Steps on the Moon†that appeared in The Times. The next text is a speechRead MoreMicroscopic Look At Jfk s Inaugural Address982 Words  | 4 PagesMicroscopic Look at JFK’s Inaugural Address The 1960’s was a time when the world was facing the Cold War and America was facing the Civil Rights Movement. On January 20, 1961, at the age of 43, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was sworn into office as the 35th President of the United States. As the youngest president of the United States, Kennedy needed to prove to the American citizens that he was a great leader and that they did the right thing to elect him. ( The night before JFK’s inauguralRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream Speech1089 Words  | 5 Pagesof the speech, it was primarily King’s masterly use of different rhetorical instruments that encouraged Kennedy and his team to take further steps towards racial equality. King effectively utilizes numerous linguistic devices, such as metaphors, anaphoras, allusions, and provides an abundance of specific examples in his address and this all makes the speech more convincing and memorable. But before we look at these rhetorical devices employed in the speech in more detail, a brief summary of the discourseRead MoreAnalysis Of Platos Allegory Of The Cave864 Words  | 4 PagesOn the surface of Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†it is just a simple piece, but the main purpose of the piece is to explain people living in a world of face value and having individuals break free from the main idea to create a new sense of what the world is truly about. In here, Plato uses the writing style of allegory to encompass the use of imagery and symbolism to explain his purpose. He also uses very clever dialogue with constant repetition to represent a bigger idea about the philosophy withRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Apollo 111257 Words  | 6 Pages The worldwide attention brought about by the success of the Apollo 11 moon landing was used by many speakers and writers to push forward their own agenda or opinions using a variety of rhetorical appeals and strate gies. The texts, â€Å"Man’s First Step on the Moon†, a news article by the Times of London, â€Å"In Event of Moon Disaster†, a prepared speech to be spoken by President Nixon written by William Safire, â€Å"The July 16, 1969, Launch: A Symbol of Man’s Greatness†, a commentary by philosopher Ayn RandRead MorePoetry and War1681 Words  | 7 Pagessoldier’s life on the western front. Owen employs various poetic devices such as imagery, symbolism and sound techniques, and powerful language features, together helping to convey the different aspects of war, such as the themes of ___ (maybe 4 main themes). 100 words on extract, linking to q Wilfred Owen’s, â€Å"The send-off,†illustrates the consequences of war and reveals its cynical, secretive nature through the use of poetic devices. The title, â€Å"The Send-off,†depicts two different images aboutRead MoreMoonwalk Essay961 Words  | 4 PagesThe moonwalk was broadcasted pretty much all over the world so that everyone could witness the astonishing moment that was about to occur. Since it was broadcasted in many different places in the world, you can assume there are numerous perspectives. Different perspectives like the excitement or maybe even how terrified they were to watch. To see the perspectives from some people, there are 4 texts that will be analyzed. One of them is a news article that comes from Times in London while the secondRead MoreRhethorical Analysis Movie Shrek1709 Words  | 7 PagesSalma Segebre Ms. Krivel AP Language October 5, 2012 Shrek Rhetorical Analysis Essay People have always watched fairytales at a very young age, growing up to believe in them. Some watched them to obtain some kind illusion, for pure entertainment, and others for the sake of love. However, not every fairytale has a purpose of giving us an illusion, of entertaining us, or making us believe in love. Shrek is not a typical fairytale. Even though many people see Shrek alongRead MoreStylistic Analysis of Barrack Obama ´S Presidential Victory Speech4019 Words  | 17 Pageschoice of words, pauses and many other devices that help their speech to achieve a certain goal. Rhetoric skills and the ability to capture and inspire audience has led some to consider the current US President Barrack Obama to be the greatest orator of his generation. Rhetoric always has the connotations of being about appearances rather than reality but he doesnt sound false. He plays with the patriotic abstractions that allow for a certain kind of rhetorical manoeuvring and fills them with specificRead MoreA Linguistic Analysis of Obama’s Inaugural Address9492 Words  | 38 Pageshistorical, cultural and social circumstances ........................................... 4 2.1 Social and cultural background †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5 2.2 Historical/political context .†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 3. Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4. Rhetorical and linguistic strategies †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 7 4.1. The use of personal deixis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8 4.2. Rhythm †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...... 10 4.3. Parallelism and foregrounding †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. .13 4.3.1. Parallelism – syntactic and lexical†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration - 738 Words
Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration 5 Running Head: Rehabilitation Programs vs. Incarceration Impact of Rehabilitation Programs and Incarceration for Juvenile Offenders Discussing the Importance of Rehabilitation Program Introduction Juvenile offenders are increasing day by day regardless of the efforts to control the youth crime. It is important to understand the fact that even though the offenders fall in the young age bracket, they are still a part of human species. Human nature responds to violent actions with violent reactions. Violent reactions cause an increase in the violent actions instead of controlling them. However violent reactions may cause a temporary stop in the violent actions which may lead the authorities to believe that they have contained the crime. However, that doesnt stand true as a temporary stop does not result in a permanent solution. Currently to deal with juvenile offenders involved in the youth crime, there are two options available. The first option that prevails to a larger extent is known to us as incarceration while the second option that is slowly gaining trends is known to us as rehabilitation programs. This paper focuses on thorough analysis of both these options and the impact that they have on the offenders as well as the society as a whole. The paper also assesses the viability of these options in order to determine which of these will prove to be more effective and beneficial. Incarceration and Its AnalysisShow MoreRelatedThe Incarceration Of Rehabilitation Programs1319 Words  | 6 Pagesinstitutions have made rehabilitation a top priority. Recidivism, defined as the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, has become a problem in the United States. One way to correct the recidivism problem, as well as other crime related problems, is rehabilitation. Criminal rehabilitation is meant to, in some way, correct criminal behavior. There are punishment types of rehabilitation as well correctional rehabilitation. Not all programs or practices of rehabilitation are effective. TheRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1661 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Helen Olko October 1, 2012 Abstract The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice system is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are also two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. In the United States, punishment has always been the primary goal to achieve when dealingRead MorePunishment Versus Rehabilitation1513 Words  | 7 PagesPunishment vs. Rehabilitation Brenda A. Dove AJS/502 Version I September 10, 2012 John V. Baiamonte, Jr. Ph.D. Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. If an individual commits a crime serious enough to warrant incarceration, then the individual is sent to prison as a form of punishment. While incarceratedRead MoreJuvenile Crime Has Become More Valuable Members Of Society?938 Words  | 4 Pagescommon desire to reduce the incidence of juvenile crime and find effective legislation to discipline these youths, but there are questions about these methods. What is more effective, incarceration or rehabilitation? Does criminal punishment intimidate more youths away from a life of crime, and would productive rehabilitation efforts influence these youths to becoming more valuable members of society? The National Institute Justice states that juvenile crime rates have fallen over 55% than its peak inRead MoreCorrectional Rehabilitation Programs Of California Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesCorrectional Rehabilitation Programs of California Rehabilitation programs that are available in prisons are a vital key to reforming at least eight out of ten inmates back to a productive, healthy citizen and leader. For this very reason the law AB 900 was passed in 2007 and just to give you a brief summary of the bill it discussed the establishment of pilot programs to be developed by the Department of Corrections for counseling and substance abuse that will assist inmates with their successfulRead MorePrison Overcrowding And The United States994 Words  | 4 PagesPrison Overcrowding In the United States, there’s two types of incarcerations: jail vs prison and federal vs state. The key difference between all prison systems is the size, location, and quantity of inmates and the crime rate in each area. Overpopulation has been an issue for a while mainly because for the safety for the inmates, the Three Strike Law, and also, society feeling that rehabilitation isn’t what they want for convicted felons. In the future, the system of corrections should decreaseRead MorePunishment vs Rehabilitation1678 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Punishment versus Rehabilitation Survey of Justice and Security - AJS/502 March 17, 2014 Arnold Wicker  Punishment versus Rehabilitation, there has been many debates on the effectiveness of punishment compared to the effectiveness of rehabilitation of convicted offenders in prison and under community supervision. Punishment is defined as a penalty that is imposed on an individual for doing something wrong. The term rehabilitation is defined as a way to help somebodyRead MoreTension between Rehabilitation and Punishment in an Incarceration Setting653 Words  | 3 PagesEssay Discussing Discuss: The tension between rehabilitation and punishment in an incarceration setting. What happens when one is emphasized over the other? Is it possible to strike a balance? The tension between rehabilitation and punishment has been increasing dramatically. This is because there have been sharp rises in the prison population and repeat offender rates. When one area is over emphasized in relation to the other, there is the possibility that imbalances will occur. Over the courseRead MoreThe Debate Of Rehabilitation Vs. Reparation948 Words  | 4 Pagesin the United States prison system is the debate of rehabilitation vs. reparation. Reparation involves strictly punishing the prisoner for their crime. On the other hand, rehabilitation aims to â€Å"fix†the prisoner for a potential eventual return to society. Ethically, reform makes more sense than reparation, as it aims to make the prisoner more useful to society, while increasing the overall safety of the society. A strong rehabilitation program would additionally cut down the number of repeat offendersRead MoreHistory Of The South Carolina Department Of Corrections1301 Words  | 6 Pagesme dium security, minimum security, and community-based, pre-release work centers (a division of minimum security). The difference between each of the levels involves types of housing, length of sentences, and behavioral distinctions (e.g. nonviolent vs. violent crimes). Level 3, or high security, facilities house inmates with longer sentences as well as violent or behavioral issues. Inmates are closely supervised and their activities are restricted more than any other level. Level 2 facilities operate
Does Source B support the evidence of source C about the suffragette campaign Free Essays
In this essay I am going to be discussing whether or not source B which is an extract from a book written in 1907 called Woman or suffragette supports the evidence given from source C which is a cartoon drawn by Bernard Partridge in 1906 about the suffragette campaign and the writers and artists opinions on the suffragettes. Firstly I am going to point out that source B which is a primary source was written by a woman and it is against women getting the franchise to vote. The thing that is very ironic about this is that at the time it seemed all women wanted the vote and wouldn’t stop at anything to get it but this one woman â€Å"Marie Corelli†didn’t think that women should have the vote and that all women should just leave the men to all the important things. We will write a custom essay sample on Does Source B support the evidence of source C about the suffragette campaign or any similar topic only for you Order Now Source C is another primary source and it is contempory to source B. The reason why this is important is because it helps towards showing that all of the people sort of had the same ideas about women’s suffrage. In source C it shows a sensible woman and what seems to be a lunatic woman. The lunatic woman was looked upon as the suffragette and she has one fist clenched and in the other hand she a flag which says female suffrage but it looks as if it is falling apart and wearing down as if they are destroying the whole purpose of campaigning for the right. Also the main reason why these sources could not be used in too much in depth study is because both sources are bias towards their own cause. Source C is obviously just trying to make the suffragettes look bad so that it makes the suffragists look better. Source B however seems to be bias towards the men and is trying to point out that women are naturally incapable of being as mature as the men. In conclusion I think than source B most definitely supports source C for one main reason. This is because they are both trying to get the point across that they don’t think women are going to get the vote and the main reasons for this are the suffragettes. One reason though why I begin to think that these source may disagree with each other is because one of the sources (Source B) believes that women will never get the vote because of the way the women are raising their children. Whereas in Source C the main reason why this source thins women will not get the vote is because of the techniques used by the suffragettes for example the main quote used on the poster is â€Å"you help the cause? Why, you’re its worst enemy!†this quote shows the hate that the suffragists had for the suffragettes and their opinion of what their actions are doing to their main cause. How to cite Does Source B support the evidence of source C about the suffragette campaign, Papers
Injunction Essay Research Paper CBS Broadcasting Inc free essay sample
Injunction Essay, Research Paper CBS Broadcasting, Inc. v. VanityMail Services, Inc. Federal Trademark Infringement- Likelihood of Consumer Confusion ( Lanham Act? 43 ( a ) ) a ) Section 4 ( a ) provides that the complainant must turn out the followers: 1 ) that the suspect? s sphere name is indistinguishable or bewilderingly similar to a hallmark or service grade in which the complainant has rights ; and 2 ) the suspect has no rights or legitimate involvements in regard of the sphere name ; and 3 ) the sphere name has been registered and is being used in bad religion. Under this subdivision of the act, the tribunal must first measure whether or non the suspect # 8217 ; s domain name is indistinguishable or bewilderingly similar to a hallmark or service grade in which the complainant has rights. In measuring the likeliness of confusion, the tribunal may look at a assortment of factors. Some of these may include: similarity of sight, sound or significance between Markss, the strength of the complainant # 8217 ; s grade, the suspect # 8217 ; s purpose or bad religion in following a similar grade, the propinquity or relatedness of goods, cases of consumers # 8217 ; existent confusion, selling channels, the edification of goods, and the likeliness of enlargement. The Markss in inquiry are indistinguishable in sound, significance and spelling. The complainant is the registered proprietor of the US service grade # 8220 ; 48 Hours # 8221 ; and device in Class 41 for # 8220 ; telecasting intelligence plan services. # 8221 ; The suspect is the registered proprietor of # 8220 ; # 8221 ; They differ merely in sight for the suspect? s logo is featured in differing fount and colour from that of Plaintiff? s. The strength of Plaintiff? s grade is unquestionable. They have asserted 12 old ages of usage of the 48 hours grade. Throughout the United States they have huge ill fame as a telecasting intelligence plan. ? The more likely a grade is to be remembered and associated in the public head with the grade? s proprietor, the greater protection the grade is accorded by hallmark laws. ? ( Kenner Parker Toys Inc. v. Rose Art Indus. , Inc. , ) In footings of the suspect? s purpose or bad religion, they were cognizant of the being of the telecasting intelligence show prior to the construct of their 48 concern programs. ( This was declared by the admittances of the principals of VanityMail to holding watched the complainant? s intelligence plan. ) With this information, they proceeded to register the grade. It is ill-defined as to what the suspect? s purpose was in taking this sphere name. None of their services relate to any 48-hour subject of any kind. There is no grounds of Defendant? s bad religion in utilizing the name. The propinquity of the goods supplied by the two parties in inquiry are worlds apart. The complainant supplies airing services and promotional ware. The suspect provides yacht services. There are no reported cases of any existent consumer confusion. The complainant has non suffered any known harm due to Defendant? s usage of the grade. The two parties do portion the same selling channels. In, Inc. , v. The Walt Disney Company, the complainant sought a preliminary injunction because Defendant? s commercially used logo on the World Wide Web was unusually similar to Plaintiff? s. The tribunal found that, ? the Web, as a selling channel, is peculiarly susceptible to a likeliness of confusion since, ? it allows for viing Markss to be encountered at the same clip, on the same screen. ? As for edification, any competent computing machine user may be able to entree a web site. The GoTo instance besides found that? Voyaging amongst web sites involves practically no attempt whatsoever, and statements that Web users exercise a great trade of attention before snaping hyperlinks is unconvincing. ? The concluding issue of the likeliness of enlargement may be addressed by the suspect? s soon posting logo, which reads? Coming Soon: A Unique Experience for Spoting Tastes. ? Additionally, at the underside of the screen, there is a notation saying? Please direct any enquiries about our approaching service to? ? Obviously, the suspect does hold programs for enlargement of some kind. B ) For the above-s tated grounds, the complainant should non be granted preliminary injunction on the footing of this claim., Inc. , v. The Walt Disney Company, found that? ? usage of unusually similar hallmarks on different web sites creates a likeliness of confusion amongst Web users. ? Federal hallmark violation guidelines province that the complainant must set up all 3 demands listed supra. The complainant is able to turn out that 1 ) the grade is indistinguishable and 2 ) that the suspect has no rights or legitimate involvements in the name but fails to run into the 3rd demand. Though the name is registered, there is no cogent evidence that it is being used in bad religion. Therefore preliminary injunction should non be granted under the Lanham Act? 43 ( a ) . Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995 ( Lanham Act? 43 ( degree Celsius ) ) a ) This subdivision of the Lanham Act differs from subdivision 43 ( a ) in that it made the impression of dilution a federal-law concern. Section 43 ( degree Celsius ) does non necessitate competition between parties and a likeliness of confusion to show a claim for alleviation. The criterions for mensurating dilution are rather different from those of likeliness of confusion. In Panavision Int? cubic decimeter, L.P. v. Toeppen, the inquiry was whether the suspect violated federal or province jurisprudence by deliberately registering the complainant? s hallmarks as his Internet sphere names for the intent of demanding payment from the complainant in exchange for the names. The tribunal found that, ? injunctive alleviation is available under the Federal Trademark Dilution Act if a complainant can set up that 1 ) its grade is celebrated ; 2 ) the suspect is doing commercial usage of the grade in commercialism ; 3 ) the suspect? s usage began after the complainant? s grade became celebrated ; and 4 ) the suspect? s usage presents a likeliness of dilution of the typical value of the grade. ? B ) The tribunal must first expression at whether or non Plaintiff? s grade is in fact celebrated. The demands of whether or non a grade is celebrated must run into the undermentioned standards: 1 ) the grade of inherent or acquired peculiarity of the grade ; 2 ) the continuance and extent of usage of the grade in connexion with the goods or services with which the grade is used 3 ) the continuance and extent of advertisement and promotion of the grade ; 4 ) the geographical extent of the trading country in which the grade is used ; 5 ) the channels of trade for the goods or service with which the grade is used ; 6 ) the grade of acknowledgment of the grade in the trading countries and channels of trade used by the grade? s proprietor and the individual against whom the injunction is sought ; 7 ) the nature and extent of usage of the same or similar Markss by 3rd parties ; and 8 ) whether the grade was registered? on the chief registry. In Panavision Int? cubic decimeter, L.P. v. Toeppen, the tribunal found Panavision Markss to be celebrated Markss. Panavision owned the federal enrollment for the Markss and it developed a strong secondary significance because of Panavision? s long period of sole usage of the grade and its position as a major provider of photographic equipment. In the instant instance, the complainant has used the 48 Hours logo for over 12 old ages. The complainant owns the federal enrollment of the 48 Hours grade. All of the demands for famousness are met as discussed above in subdivision 43 ( a ) . The suspect is utilizing the sphere name as a agency of commercial usage in commercialism. They provide yacht charters and direction services to persons and corporations in the Caribbean country. The web site contains an image of a seaport filled with boats. There is besides an e-mail reference provided at the underside to direct client enquiries to. This proves that the site is being used as an advertizement to beg concern. There are multiple streamers from patrons on the page every bit good. This verifies that the suspect is doing money from the usage of this site and hence, the sphere name. The complainant has used its 49 Hours Markss since at least January 1988. Throughout the 12 old ages, the grade has gained acknowledgment throughout the United States as a telecasting intelligence show. The suspect registered the sphere name in May of 1997. Therefore, complainant? s grade had already become celebrated.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Different Learning Styles Make Better Students free essay sample
A paper which discusses how memory, focus, tests, and study can contribute to making a better student. The paper shows how by concentrating on correct learning techniques, the student can succeed in his studies. The paper analyzes different steps and methods, the first being setting goals to have focus. Thereafter, the paper discusses effective studying methods, and general methods of studying such as outlining, understanding and elaboration. Finally the paper covers the issue of using memory effectively in tests. Most of the students focus on committing study matter to memory. Though memorizing is the initial step towards effective learning, it neither gets students through most courses at college level, nor makes it possible for any practical application in the professional field. Understanding, as looking at the relationships between different facts that are related, and comprehending how they go together, is necessary. Understanding includes the ability to explain in satisfactory detail what the facts under study mean, and what conclusions can be formed reasonably from these facts. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Learning Styles Make Better Students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Using the Example Sample APA Essay in .DOCX Format
Using the Example Sample APA Essay in .DOCX FormatUsing the example sample Apa essay in .docx format is a great way to do an Apa essay. If you're starting a new class or just are experiencing a bit of trouble writing an APA essay, this style of writing can give you a head start. In the world of business writing, this type of writing is very popular. It is the way to go if you're looking to present information in a clear, concise, and up to date manner.CVs are sent out all the time and received on a daily basis. More often than not, CVs are distributed on a daily basis due to the fact that many individuals receive them on a daily basis. In most cases, CVs aren't just sent out once but are actually mailed out three or four times a day to dozens, if not hundreds, of people.In today's workplace, CVs are the first thing potential employees see. When they see CVs that have language that they don't understand, or a spelling mistake, many times they'll simply pass over the resume to a more q ualified candidate. Using the example sample Apa essay in .docx format can help you avoid the mistakes that cause so many potential candidates to pass on your resume.In many cases, CVs are mailed out before a candidate even receives a job offer. They may even be the first thing a potential employer hears about your qualifications. An example Apa essay in .docx format is the first thing potential employers will see.Many times, CVs can be very confusing, especially if they were sent through the post office. In most cases, CVs are accompanied by a blank cover sheet that is simply labeled 'Recommendation,' which means the entire cover sheet was not filled out by the author. Many times, the CV looks like a stack of junk mail. It will contain a specific employer's name and company, along with the name of the individual's job and the month the job was posted. An example Apa essay in .docx format will show how this cover sheet is filled out, and the specific information that is needed to wr ite a good resume.When it comes to CVs, there is very little time spent putting in the details. The actual written portion of the CV takes less than two pages. In many cases, these two pages can contain several pictures of the individual's job as well as a page or two of pictures of the individual's office. In order to make it easy for the reader to read and understand, the examples in the examples Apa essay in .docx format are very clear and straight forward. In many cases, it's the details that the reader will miss, such as the dates of a vacation, or details such as the names of the individual's parents.The example Apa essay in .docx format is also very handy for potential candidates who may be having trouble with the entire written portion of the Apa essay. Not only can you look at the example CVs in your Apa essay in .docx format, but you can also look at sample Apa essays in other subjects such as management or communications. By looking at other examples of Apa essays in othe r fields, you can see what others are doing and how you can customize your Apa essay in your own style. The examples Apa essay in .docx format is one way to take a different way of writing and make it into your own.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Tundra Biome - The Habitat Encyclopedia
Tundra Biome - The Habitat Encyclopedia The tundra is a terrestrial biome that is characterized by extreme cold, low biological diversity, long winters, brief growing seasons, and limited drainage. The harsh climate of the tundra imposes such formidable conditions on life that only the hardiest plants and animals can survive in this environment. The vegetation that grows on the tundra is restricted to a low diversity of small, ground-hugging plants that are well-adapted to survive in nutrient-poor soils. The animals that inhabit the tundra are, in most cases, migratory- they visit the tundra during the growing season to breed but then retreat to warmer, more southern latitudes or lower elevations when temperatures drop. Tundra habitat occurs in regions of the world that are both very cold and very dry. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic lies between the North Pole and the boreal forest. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Antarctic tundra occurs on the Antarctic peninsula and on the remote islands that lie off the coast of Antarctica (such as the South Shetland Islands and the South Orkney Islands). Outside of the polar regions, there is another type of tundra- alpine tundra- which occurs at at high altitudes on mountains, above the treeline. The soils that blanket the tundra are mineral-deprived and nutrient-poor. Animal droppings and dead organic matter provide the bulk of what nourishment is present in tundra soil. The growing season is so brief that only the topmost layer of soil thaws during the warm months. Any soils below a few inches deep remain permanently frozen, creating a layer of earth known as permafrost. This permafrost layer forms a water-barrier that prevents drainage of meltwater. During the summer, any water that thaws in the upper layers of the soil is trapped, forming a patchwork of lakes and marshes across the tundra. Tundra habitats are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and scientists fear that as global temperatures rise, tundra habitats might play a role in accelerating the rise in atmospheric carbon. Tundra habitats are traditionally carbon sinks- places that store more carbon than they release. As global temperatures rise, tundra habitats may shift from storing carbon to releasing it in massive volumes. During the summer growing season, tundra plants grow quickly and, in doing so, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The carbon remains trapped because when the growing season ends, the plant material freezes before it can decay and release the carbon back into the environment. As temperatures rise and areas of permafrost thaw, the tundra releases the carbon it has stored for millennia back into the atmosphere. Key Characteristics The following are the key characteristics of tundra habitats: extreme coldlow biological diversitylong wintersbrief growing seasonlimited precipitationpoor drainagenutrient-poor soilspermafrost Classification The tundra biome is classified within the following habitat hierarchy: Biomes of the World Tundra Biome The tundra biome is divided into the following habitats: Arctic and Antarctic tundra - Arctic tundra is located in the Northern Hemisphere between the North Pole and the boreal forest. Antarctic tundra is located in the Southern Hemisphere on remote islands off the coast of Antarctica- such as the South Shetland Islands and the South Orkney Islands- and on the Antarctic peninsula. Arctic and Antarctic tundra supports about 1,700 species of plants including mosses, lichens, sedges, shrubs, and grasses.Alpine tundra - Alpine tundra is a high-altitude habitat that occurs on mountains around the world. Alpine tundra occurs at elevations that lie above the tree line. Alpine tundra soils differ from the tundra soils in polar regions in that they are usually well-drained. Alpine tundra supports tussock grasses, heaths, small shrubs, and dwarf trees. Animals of the Tundra Biome Some of the animals that inhabit the tundra biome include: Northern bog lemming (Synaptomys borealis) - The northern bog lemming is a small rodent that inhabits the tundra, bogs, and boreal forests of northern Canada and Alaska. Northern bog lemmings eat a variety of plants including grasses, mosses, and sedges. They also feed on some invertebrates such as snails and slugs. Northern bog lemmings are prey for owls, hawks, and mustelids.Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) - The arctic fox is a carnivore that inhabits the Arctic tundra. Arctic foxes feed on a variety of prey animals that includes lemmings, voles, birds, and fish. Arctic foxes have a number of adaptations to deal with the cold temperatures they must endure- including long, thick fur and an insulating layer of body fat.Wolverine (Gulo golo) - The wolverine is a large mustelid that lives in boreal forest, alpine tundra, and Arctic tundra habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Wolverines are powerful predators that feed on many different mammal prey including rabbits, voles, lemmings , caribou, deer, moose, and elk. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) - The polar bear inhabits the icecaps and Arctic tundra habitats in the Northern Hemisphere including areas of Russia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland and the Svalbard Archipelago. Polar bears are large carnivores that feed primarily on ringed seas and bearded seals. Muskox (Ovibos moschatus) - The muskox is large hoofed mammals that live in the Arctic tundra. Muskoxen have a sturdy, bison-like appearance, short legs and long, thick fur. Muskoxen are herbivores that feed on grasses, shrubs and woody vegetation. They also eat moss and lichens.Snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis) - The snow bunting is a perching bird that breeds in the Arctic tundra and in some areas of alpine tundra such as the Cairngorms in Scotland and the Cape Breton Highlands in Nova Scotia. Snow buntings migrate south during the winter months to escape the tundras coldest temperatures.Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) - The Arctic tern is a shorebird that breeds in the Arctic tundra and mig rates 12,000 miles to over-winter along the coast of Antarctica. Arctic terns feed on fish and invertebrates such as crabs, krill, mollusks, and marine worms.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Largest Counties by Population in the United States
Largest Counties by Population in the United States Forty-three counties in the United States have a population greater than 1 million, ranked by population. The data for this list is based on mid-2016 population estimates from the United States Census Bureau. In 2010, only 39 counties in the United States had a population of more than 1 million, and Los Angeles County had fewer than 10 million residents. The top five list remains the same as in 2010. From this list, you can see that although much of the countrys population is concentrated in the megalopolis region of the Northeast, there is considerable population in the metropolitan regions of the Sun Belt from Texas to California. These heavily populated cities of Texas, Arizona, and California continue to experience phenomenal growth as population declines in places like the Rust Belt continue. Largest Counties by Population Los Angeles County, CA: 10,116,705Cook County, IL: 5,246,456Harris County, TX: 4,441,370Maricopa County, AZ: 4,087,191San Diego County, California: 3,263,431Orange County, California: 3,145,515Miami-Dade County, Florida: 2,662,874Kings County, New York: 2,621,793Dallas County, Texas: 2,518,638Riverside County, California: 2,329,271Queens County, New York: 2,321,580San Bernardino County, California: 2,112,619King County, Washington: 2,079,967Clark County, Nevada: 2,069,681Tarrant County, Texas: 1,945,360Santa Clara County, California: 1,894,605Broward County, Florida: 1,869,235Bexar County, Texas: 1,855,866Wayne County, Michigan: 1,764,804New York County, New York: 1,636,268Alameda County, California: 1,610,921Middlesex County, Massachusetts: 1,570,315Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania: 1,560,297Suffolk County, New York: 1,502,968Sacramento County, California: 1,482,026Bronx County, New York: 1,438,159Palm Beach County, Florida: 1,397,710Nassau County, New York: 1,358,627Hillsborough C ounty, Florida: 1,316,298 Cuyahoga County, Ohio: 1,259,828Orange County, Florida: 1,253,001Oakland County, Michigan: 1,237,868Franklin County, Ohio: 1,231,393Allegheny County, Pennsylvania: 1,231,255Hennepin County, Minnesota: 1,212,064Travis County, Texas: 1,151,145Fairfax County, Virginia: 1,137,538Contra Costa County, California: 1,111,339Salt Lake County, Utah: 1,091,742Montgomery County, Maryland: 1,030,447 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: 1,012,539Pima County, Arizona: 1,004,516 St. Louis County, Missouri: 1,001,876
Monday, February 17, 2020
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Project Management - Essay Example Carly's ability to become an effective group leader is definitely in question since according to the other team members she is the real reason for the conflict and not Morris as she claimed. I feel she was using Morris as an excuse to divert responsibility for not completing project tasks in a timely manner. As an individual Carly must work on improving her management and communications skills as well as improve her emotional intelligence since this situation was completely avoidable. I think her mistakes and dysfunctional emotional conflict with Morris might have been the main contributing factor for the project delays and lack of group cohesiveness. 2) I think Carly was being blinded by her own emotions and insecurities. From what the other team members mentioned they felt that she was treating Morris unfairly as compared to other team members. Since the other team members felt Morris was not causing any problems there was no real reason or excuse for her to confront. The reality w as that Carly was the root of the conflict and not vice versa (Umsl). I think that Carly would benefit from having a one to one conversation with Morris in order to vent out her concerns and fears. As an individual Carly needs to figure out ways to better communicate her emotions without falling into destructive patterns or behaviors that only create unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. Morris would probably be shocked, but not necessarily surprised by some the fabrications or negative ideas that Carly probably harbors about him. He would probably be more open to keeping the lines of communication open between team members in order to resolve underlying conflicts that will continue to affect team performance if the underlying causes for the conflict are not addressed. 3) Overall there is a definite lack of group cohesiveness between all team members not just Carly and Morris. The lack of open lines of communication between team members is an overall symptom of the underlying tensions and climate of mistrust that Carly as a team project leader has created. Since the team members were aware of Carly's unfair treatment towards one of the team members, their responsibility as a group was to address the problem directly and not let an individual team member's actions negatively affect the overall group performance. As a functional team all members are responsible for team performance, they as a functional group should have discussed ways to address the issue and resolve the underlying dysfunctional conflicts for the benefit of the whole. I think that the group would benefit from participating in a one day conflict management and effective communication seminar in order to empower, educate, and provide all team members with the knowledge and a set of tools to better deal with all types of functional and dysfunctional conflicts that are commonly encountered in group settings. During the seminar the expert speaker and psychologist could have a short 15 minute individual session with all team
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Sample Technical Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
The Sample Technical Report - Research Paper Example This paper outlines that the tone of document is professional and formal. Teacher education language is used in terms of talking about the curriculum. Students will also learn concepts that teachers use in creating curricula and courses. The report focuses on 2012 teacher and student STARTALK programs and not on other blended learning programs Is the report credible? Why or why not? In what ways does the document ensure its credibility? What information/data/research and/or methods does it present? Is the document persuasive? Why or why not? The report is credible because it has a clear research design with clear data-collection procedures and discussions of results. It also provides the data at the end of the report, so that readers can check the data themselves. For instance, raw figures on the teacher and student blended programs are presented in Table 5 in the Appendix On average. In addition, the report does not make sweeping generalizations. For instance, it says: â€Å"In conducting such studies, researchers must bear in mind that cost-effective instruction does not necessarily result in highly effective education†.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Utilitarian Ethical Analysis of Euthanasia
Utilitarian Ethical Analysis of Euthanasia Ethical Question Should Euthanasia be an option for the terminally ill? Analysis The discussion regarding euthanasia has been made noticeably public all throughout the world (Perm, 2011, p.80). However, recent findings suggest a shift in public policy rely heavily upon the moral and political environment of todays culture (Fratschko, 2016, p.5). Conversely, as religious institutions begin to lose their prominent voice in society, the connotation of what is right and wrong has conventionally been guided in large measure (Fratschko, 2016, p.6). Moreover, upholding ones dignity is a reason made via the notion of avoiding a deprived end to life (Mishara, 2016). Specific dissimilarities show what characterises a respectable way to die. Common degradations may include: Being a burden to others, Living in a deteriorated state, Being incapable of daily activities, and, Depending on intrusive medical apparatuses. However, the public in general often assumes that terminal illnesses, result in a mediocre end to life. This is not the case; it is suggested that the psychological environment determines the quality of life over the nature of the illness (Mishara, 2016). Correspondingly, Margaret Battin (1994, para. 5) accentuated that euthanasia to decrease distress encompasses two main factors: Preventing imminent discomfort and misery, as well as, Preventing current discomfort and misery. Facts Euthanasia is a form of voluntary death. Patients who request for euthanasia do not want to prolong their pain (Aurora, 2014, para. 13). Despite the statistics given by the government, the support for euthanasia has grown throughout the years. In Australia, over 70% would like to see euthanasia be an option, whereas over 12% said no and the remaining people surveyed were unsure (Yamine, 2012, para. 2-3). Statistics highlighted by Emanuel et al. (2012, para. 4), show that roughly 4% of deaths are listed as euthanasia in jurisdictions where it is an option. Although remain relatively rare and involve those who are terminally ill. Finally, those with loved ones in terminally ill situations will agree that end of life care treatments can be costly and put enormous amounts of pressure on the finances (Aurora, 2014). Gaps in understanding It is argued (Glare and Tobin, 1996, p.1668), that acknowledging the rights of the terminally ill is a good attempt to creating an act permitting euthanasia. Equally, over the past fifty years, numerous public opinion surveys have indicated growing support for euthanasia. However, this approval of euthanasia goes against certain Christian moralities in which have been the barricade in contradiction to the approval of euthanasia (Hamil-Luker and Smith, 1998, p.373). Some treatments may be limited to the relief of pain and distress with the intention of allowing the patient to die a comfortable death. However, this implies that death must be imminent (Glare and Tobin, 1996, p.1669). Palliative care specialist, Ian Maddocks expressed his concerns that if euthanasia were an option, death could be viewed as a quick fix to the suffering that could be relieved with palliative care (Harrison, 2013). Research conducted by Chapple et al. (2006, para. 3) on those nearing death is an important factor to add to the debate. Regarding those who have watched others die are predominantly convinced that euthanasia should be an option, some for multiple reasons including the pain and the anticipation of waiting to die, embarrassment and the loss of control and cerebral impairment (Chapple et al. 2006, para. 3). Positive negative consequences Positive Firstly, we know that utilitarian people believe actions should provideutmost contentment for the highest number of people, whereas the outcome ought to ascertain the ethical worth of the action. Therefore, if euthanasia increases the joy of a person and reduce pain simultaneously, then it is considered ethically correct (JDDN, 2012). People have the right to die. Behind this ideology is that we should have freedom regarding certain decisions. Some people believe we all have the rights to regulate our bodies and therefore should be able to determine when and what time we die (BBC, 2014, para. 2). If you accept act-utilitarianism, then the arguments make perfect sense. One final positive in regards to allowing people to die may free up scarce health resources and be allocated to those who want to live (BBC, 2014, para. 30). Negative Over 30 of Australias top palliative practitioners oppose the introduction of euthanasia as they describe it as unnecessary and unsafe (Vermeer, 2017). Paraphrased by Singer (2003, p.536), Hentoff states that most palliative care specialists admit there are cases wherein pain is not sufficiently alleviated. However, terminal sedation is offered as a replacement, although, some ethicists, do not consider terminal sedation as an equivalent to euthanasia. (Singer, 2003, p. 537). Argued by Doerflinger (Singer, 2003, p. 535). Those who independently reason for euthanasia are not being straightforward. For example, the issue was raised when 86-year-old Edward Brongersma, was euthanised by a doctor because he was old and tired of life. Even though this lead to that doctors conviction and acquittal, a utilitarian should not have an issue with the doctors decision because it was Brongersmas decision to die and that nobody else can decide if Brongersmas life contained more positive or negative experiences (Singer, 2003, p. 536). Finally, the decision may place added pressure on the terminally ill. The main aspects of the argument are that terminally ill patients may be pressured into giving consent when they do not want it; or correspondingly, they will be euthanised without consent because they could be considered a burden or to save money (Singer, 2003, p.538). Conclusion Through act utilitarianism, we can see that euthanasia is certainly an argumentative issue. There are several perspectives regarding Utilitarianism which differ on certain aspects regarding euthanasia. In accordance to act-utilitarianism the right action of all is greater than any other action, therefore each act is judged independently by the act-utilitarianism (Singer, 2003, p. 536). However, gaps in understanding lie mainly lie within the religious side of the issue, believing the right to decide when someone dies belongs to god. In summation, by having a regulated form of euthanasia, it is deduced that the positives outweigh the negatives in regards to the ethics of euthanasia. References Aurora, P 2014, 14 Facts You Never Knew About Euthanasia, viewed 29 March 2017, . 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