Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Language As A Powerful Tool - 1731 Words

The language as a powerful tool . Language of the heart This essay analyses the role of the language in colonized land by English empire. More in specific, how the colonial and post-colonial poems dealing with this powerful tool which is ‘language’. I will take in consideration Derek Wolcott. Drawing thought two of his poems, I am going to point out the way he uses ‘language’, The S. Lucian poet, for a long time, tried to show the importance of his being â€Å"hybrid†. In one of the most famous and early poem â€Å"A Far Cry From Africa†, he ended this poem with a sequence of question regarded his roots, his being â€Å"divided into the vein â€Å" with the blood of both culture, English and Africa. Questions at which he does not give a reply, by doing this â€Å"the being poison† it is bring a positive status. Does not choose or make predominate on culture than the other, it is acception of the condition of the â€Å"hybrid†. This mingles of culture put out the importance of a suitable poetic voice. Walcott put out in an interview for the journal â€Å"contemporary literature† how the richness of his poetic voice is coming from the multicultural background of/ and language lived in him; â€Å"French creole†, English â€Å"creole† and â€Å"English†. He definitely show the importance of owing this estates, fact that make him unique. By using creole, the poet was able to describe landscapes that are singular and which have the power to claim their complete integrity including the past, degrade, history and its effect.Show MoreRelatedPower Of Language Essay1390 Words   |  6 Pagesbe a tool of inspiration and beauty. It can wreck and torment, yet can also bring life and joy. Language is a very powerful tool used by everyone. Our language and the words we use every day have power to change lives and our world. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Jobless Free Essays

People work hard to get better lives and to accomplish what they want after graduating high school or college. However, they face some difficulties in finding a job. Unlikely, â€Å"Ben† (‘Young†) would not want to be an â€Å"independent adult† (A. We will write a custom essay sample on Jobless or any similar topic only for you Order Now 25). As the rate of youth unemployment is rising, many countries suffer from how to deal this unwelcome circumstance. According to statistic of Margaret’s article, â€Å"In Canada, the jobless rate for young adults is a relatively low 14 per cent. Across the European Union, the jobless rate is higher than 20 per cent. In the U. S. , the jobless rate for high-school-educated men between 20 and 24 – Ben’s generation – has reached 22. 4 per cent† (A25). If the number of jobless people increases, many problems will arise in society. First, youth power could be wasted, and countries could lose human resources. Many jobs require capacity from men for some works that women could not handle. However, some people may argue that women could handle those jobs and there should be no gender discrimination. Although there is less sexual discrimination in work places, discrimination in hiring still exists. Jobs of women are â€Å"much more likely to be part-time, contract work, working through a temporary help agency, or working on their own† (301). Women also have to consider â€Å"child care† that could be â€Å"limits women’s choice of paid employment† (301). Thus, men would be widely used in many jobs for society. Generally, in terms of physical condition, young men are stronger than women so labor and some jobs require physical strength from men. For instance, young women work at building construction; they could have difficulties to carry heavy materials. Consequently, progress of constructing the building could be slower because of lack of strength. The slow progression could create that the time and money be wasted. Secondly, people without work could be effect on the society. Not working is associated in homelessness, criminal problem and social welfare. Unemployment could be homeless because they do not have enough money to buy or rent the house. Homeless people sometimes commit suicide because they cannot afford to buy basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. It is hard to maintain those requisites if they do not work and there is no financial supports. Poverty from unemployment also could impact on their children. Children who grow upon poverty later suffer from more persistent and several health problems than children who grow up under better financial circumstances. Children raised in poverty also tend to miss school more often, so they could not have a high quality of education. When these children grow up, it is hard for them to find a better career and they could be jobless again as their parents who were unemployment as well. Moreover, people without work make the criminal rate increase because joblessness and homeless could be a major motivator in theft, burglary and violent crimes in order to get money easily. A result of criminal from unemployment may bring that our social security is jeopardized. Lastly, there may be less social welfare for children and disabled people because young men without work have not enough money to pay taxes. The result of fewer taxes could make government’s finance decrease and then government could not support the social welfare. Of course, people would not receive the better social welfare services. Finally, being without work could affect their individual life such as relationship, confidence and health. If they go out and talk with friends or other people who are working, they could not communicate with them because they do not have work experience and do not understand words that worker used. Thus, they will not be likely to go out and interact with other people, and prefer to stay alone at home. Not moving out could make many unemployment not want to get married because youth unemployment could be â€Å"trapped in a twilight world of failure to achieve adulthood† (â€Å"Young†). Indeed, they would have the lack of relationship with people. By not working, people also may begin to doubt their sense of self and abilities, be depressed and not have confidence. The result of emotional effects may give unemployment a huge stress. Suffering from stress is known as to have physical effects on a human body; therefore, they find doctor and do drugs more. Certainly, their health may be at risk. In conclusion, there is a problem that not only youth power but also time and money could be wasted if the unemployment rate keeps rising. In terms of society, people without work could be homeless and a cause of increasing criminal. They also may lead to lack of social welfare services. In terms of each unemployed individual, they may have a low interaction with other people and communication skills. By being jobless, people could have not only emotional effects such as self-esteem, lack of confidence, depression and anxiety, but also physical effects from the stress. Thus, young unemployed people may be the problems to be ironed out in the world. Works – cited Townson, Monica. â€Å"Canadian women on Their Own Are the Poorest of the Poor. † Writing: A Journey. Ed. Lester Faigley and Melanie Rubers. Pearson, 2010. 300-301. Print. â€Å"Young men without work. †Ã‚  Globe ; Mail  [Toronto, Canada] 10 Nov. 2011: A25. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 July 2012. How to cite Jobless, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Soft Drinks free essay sample

Nowadays, a lot of people drink soft drinks every day not knowing how bad they are for our health. Even doctors and experts report that soft drinks are bad for us. In this essay, I will tell you some facts about soft drinks that prove that they are not good to drink them. That some of the people even call drinking soft drinks as drinking poisons. Firstly, soft drinks are bad for our health because they contain lots of sugar and they prevent our body from absorbing water. These affect the circulation of our blood in a bad way and also, they contain high calories which will make us gain weight. Secondly, soft drinks contain a high acidity (ph). It is bad because it causes teeth to erode. It is because the strong acid contained in the drink causes corrosion on the enamel, the thick layer that covers our teeth’s surface to protect our teeth. We will write a custom essay sample on Soft Drinks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Professor Gwon Ho Geun (2012.02.01) reported that if the acidity in our mouth drops to less than 5ph, calcium in our in our enamel escapes out. And this is one of the reasons that people go to hospital with acid erosion teeth caused by drinking soft drinks. These types of drinks, such as Coca-Cola and Sprite, are ‘poison’ for the people who have liver/kidney problems. To make it easier to absorb in the body, people include sodium in sports drinks which affects badly to kidney/liver. And health drink in pharmacy contains caffeine so if we take or drink it for a long period of time, it is possible to become addicted. And I have another story. One of the elementary students conducted an experiment. He observed as he placed a fish bone into soft drink and tap water. After 4 days, the fish bone in the soft drink was soft and had turned into a lump. Drinking lots of soft drinks causes our bones weaker and it affects growing as well. As it gets weak, there is a bigger percentage of breaking our bones. In conclusion, I really want to say that it is awful to drink soft drinks and  stop drinking it! I hope you understand why soft drinks are bad for you and realize not to drink it anymore.