Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Arugment for Less School Hours Essay
Most students drag themselves out of bed every morning only to find themselves deparately waiting for that last bell to ring, marking the end of a school day. Increasing hours and the days students have to attend will destroy students and cause problems for them. The result would be taxes increasing, extracurricular activities getting cut and an increase on stress for kids. Most teens do not come from a wealthy background. Therefore, they have to provide for themselves as well as save up for college. If schools were to be longer, many teens that need to work to help support themselves would have difficulty finding a job that will fit to their schedule. It may also be hard for teens to hold that job. Another reason why schools should not be loner is because longer days would mean little extracurricular activities. This is very crucial, since it is one of the key factors that help many teens get into their choice of college. Colleges not only look at their grades in high school, but also any activities they have done out of school. Additionally, no extracurricular activity prevents kids from exploring their true passion, limiting their opportunities. Finally, when students miss a few days due to sickness, they end up having to make to piles and piles of work. Now if student were to have longer days, there would be more work. This might unmotivated students, as they are overwhelmed by work. Many Naive people would say yes to lengthen the school days and try to argue that students would learn more because this would mean longer instructional time. However , studies show there is no correlation between the length of the school days and the student’s academic achievements. According to Amanda Morin, it is not about how long kids are in the classroom; but how engaged in learning they are. Also many people state that lengthing the school years would allow parents to save money, as they would not have to send their kids to day care or hire a babysitter, or have to pay for the expensive childcare or hire a babysitter, or have to pay for the expensive childcare programs. However, lengthening the school year would mean a dramatic increase in taxes on parents who are sending their children to school, in order to cover for the pay in teachers and the increase on staff to help run the school. There are many reasons why the school day should not be extended including the maintainance cost, extracurricular activities and keeping hold of jobs. Many students are already stressed out, therefor adding more days would increase that stress. Having school 35 hours a week is plenty and it would be absurd to change school hours or days.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Case Study Analysis Paper Essay
In this case study I am going to analyze what went wrong in a particular situation for one company. The new hire Carl Robins, seems as if he went in over his head maybe due to the fact that he is the newest recruiter. It looks like he may have tried to prove himself to his peers. It also seems as if Carl himself was not properly trained as to knowing, understanding and taking the proper steps when it comes to recruiting new hires. It seems as if the company does not take recruiting very seriously or else I think that the company might enforce policies and rules when it comes to recruitment. See more: how to write an analysis paper on an article examples Things such as applications should have been properly filled out before and orientation was ever scheduled, applications are a basic requirement when it comes to applying for any job. Through basic communication the training manuals should be checked, changed, and updated frequently according to how often the company is recruiting new hires and last but not the least if the company had properly communicated that the conference room was blocked for maintenance Carl would have and should have known in advance through proper communication from upper management giving him the chance to properly schedule any training sessions. If Carl had been properly trained on these issues he may not have panicked in this situation asking himself â€Å"what am I going to do†. Although it appears to be a lack of training in this case, Carl still had maybe 15 day in advance to at least start checking on things after he got the call from Monica he could have started on the project right then. Instead he procrastinated because he thought he had it under control, again going back to what I think was a lack of training on the company’s behalf. If properly trained he might have had a backup plan and immediately knew what to do if he found himself in such a situation as I am going to nalyze in this paper. Background When a company is hiring new people I am sure we would all like to think that, ok I am hiring an adult he/she will and should know what to do if ever crunched in any bad situation. That cannot and should not be assumed. Proper training is vital for any company. The training of employees is important an d crucial for any company, simply because it majorly contributes to the success or failure of the company. Training is important for managers, current employees and new employees. Although, employees may argue that training is a waste of time it is important to stay on top of everything and always remain prepared for any situation. Continually training and updating within a company is important because it keeps employees up to date on many things such as the use of new technology, technology is forever evolving. Training is an opportunity to introduce and implement new company policies, rule and regulations. Training creates and offers a safe working environment for all employees and managers. It also creates opportunities for personal growth, promotional opportunities and overall a healthy work environment. Furthermore, training is the key ingredient to a company staying on the edge when it comes to its competition. For example; while serving in the United States Air Force we trained on everything. Nothing is too complicated or to irrelevant to train on. After analyzing this case study I thought on what if we did not train as hard and often as we did. We would be jeopardizing this country and it would impact us in very negative way. Everyone plays their part in training from those on the battlefield, those back on station, and even down to those cooking in the kitchens. More specifically, I worked in the Group Control Center for my group. My job was to relay all critical information to 6 squadrons control centers during real world exercise scenarios. At the group level we conducted weekly briefings and inspections of all equipment to ensure readiness for any situation. For a while I thought what is the point of all this training and on the same thing, I thought it was redundant and I already had it under my belt. When we finally had an exercise all the training that I thought was redundant came back to me and helped me to relay the important and vital information. An exercise scenario is presented as if it was real world happening, and there was a ton of pressure. If I was not properly drilled and trained I might have cracked under the pressure such as Carl did in his situation. Key Problems In this case study, the key problems and issues are what seems to be a lack of training and communication on both the managers and employees part. Carl Robins the new hire been at his job six months, although he successfully recruited fifteen new recruits somewhere along the lines he lost what he thought he had under control. He later found that applications were incomplete and not finished. Applications are a basic and general part of applying to a job. If you can’t complete the application process then I believe you should not move any further beyond the application process. He also found that transcripts were not submitted on file. If the company requires that transcripts be submitted that again should be properly communicated to new recruits and also new employees. Also Carl didn’t know that the training room would be blocked and scheduled for maintenance this is another basic but crucial mix up that contributes the success of this project. Carl also had an opportunity to ask Monica any questions when she gave him a call to check on where things were. Although she called to check on the process there were still some things that the company failed to communicate to new employees. Alternatives Alternatives in this situation could be that if managers implement a weekly or monthly training and update meeting or online refresher courses to complete this might have helped Carl to properly think his way out of the situation verses panic. This also gives employees a chance to stay refreshed and on the edge ready for competitors. Another alternative could be that if managers implement a new hire shadow program that way the company will always have communication going within the company. During those six months Carl could have possibly had a co-worker that he felt comfortable enough to ask a question. Maybe he did not ask Monica because he did not want her to question his ability to get the job done. Proposed Solution I propose that ABC, Inc. implement a monthly online training course for the new campus recruits and all other employees in general. Rather it is on new policies and regulations and changes or just to refresh employees on current situations. I would also recommend that ABC, Inc. foster more communication within the company. Little things like knowing the scheduling of the training room is important to when it comes to the success of a project. In conclusion I recommend that ABC, Inc. revise and update the company’s new hire program. Rather it is in house for the new campus recruiter or for the newly recruited hires. The company definitely needs to tighten up the application process. Furthermore, ABC, Inc. should change the way things are communicated within the company. Basic communication is essential for a company to succeed. Proper and effective communication is the basic functions to properly and successfully manage a company. Effective employee training is important to the success of any business. Also proper training programs provide benefits for employees and the company, but only if they are carefully planned and properly implemented. A clear understanding of policies, job functions, and goals will eventually turn into increased motivation of employees, their morale and productivity and increased profits for the company. Training is a means to a specific end, keeping goals in mind during the development and implementation stages of your training program will assist in creating a clearly defined and effective program.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Burger Kings Diverse Culture Of Employees Commerce Essay
Burger Kings Diverse Culture Of Employees Commerce Essay I have chosen this business as a report. Moreover the main thing to choose this is that I am also working there from last 8 month ago. So that’s why these area very well. It is also provide lots of education skills which are useful in my study. So in this is a good ideal business to do the report writing. I like to do work there. Different types of culture people working in burger king so I learn lots of things in store. Firstly we learn how to communicate with others whoever they are customers or staff. If we b honest or in patience then we will success in future. It provides verity of food to people of their taste. Like in burger king we can get also vegetable burger which is most like Indians. McDonald and others do not provide vegetables burgers. So this why I like this is well. People also get cheaper food in burger king as compare to others. Its start just burger from $2.50. Which is cheaper than others and lots of enjoy this. It is provide play grounds for children whe re child plays and enjoy their meals. INTRODUCTION: Burger King, is known as BK .It is a industry of fast food  restaurants. The company began in 1953 as Insta-Burger King, After Insta-Burger King ran into financial difficulties in 1955, its two Miami-based franchisees, David Edgerton and James McLamore, purchased the company and renamed it Burger King. Over the next half century the company would change hands four times, with its third set of owners, a partnership of TPG Capital, Bain Capital, and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, taking it public in 2002. Main features of burger king Chicken burgers Beef burgers Chicken salad Kids meals Onion rings Desserts Services: Drive thru Lobby Take away Play ground Dining outside History of burger king The burger found in 1953. After purchase the civil civil liberties to two pieces of tools called â€Å"Insta†technology, the two opened their first stores around a cooking device known as the Insta-Broiler. The I nsta-Broiler oven proved so successful at cooking burgers, they required all of their franchises to carry the device.  The firms’ strategy for turning the chain around incorporated a new advertising agency and new ad campaigns, a revamp menu strategy. This franchise also open their web site .which is also beneficial for the people to update their meals. Communication in burger king In burger king employees does their work as a group and in every shifts there is shift manager in store to look after all the staff. More over for takes order on drive thru there are head set to listen the orders of customer and gives them response. When the company launches any new meal then they provide posters to all stores and from store managers put that on wall or on glass in lobby to see the special offers .they also put new meals poster on drive thru menu. Service I think burger king provides good service than others because on drive thru they have to give meals in 45 second after tak es money. If they does not gives the orders then according to rules they have to give free big burger to customer. Furthermore they provide some specials meals such as just few months ago they provide 5 dollars meal. In that meal they gives 1 beef burger.1 desert.1 fries and1 drink.
The Price Of Conservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Price Of Conservation - Essay Example The villagers’ reaction to Golap brings home to me the second big reason rhinos are still wandering around Kaziranga. Rhinos remain (as do elephants, buffaloes, and tigers) because many Indians want them. You do not have to stay long in Assam to realize that local people are tremendously proud of Kaziranga and its rhinos in particular. The Assamese are paying a heavy price for their rhinos and other wild animals. The positive attitude towards wildlife is influenced by the belief that human beings should care for all animals as taught in Buddhism and Hinduism. Recently, the Forest Department and other stakeholders have also started initiatives aimed at making the community work together in protecting the park. The author acknowledges the sentiments of Mr. Boro, who believes working with the community is a major boost to the fight against poachers. It will also provide a way for the conservationists to solve the foundational problems that push people to poach. In conclusion, Ada ms and Carwardine are keen on explaining the importance of innovative conservation efforts as the world changes. Areas like Assam are likely to change as development and western views dominate most parts of India. The people’s views about wildlife are also changing. The lack of innovative conservation efforts means the future of Kaziranga is not safe. The national park does not earn enough revenue for everyone. Creativity is paramount to continue protecting the rhinos of Kaziranga and other wild animals in different parts of the globe
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Assistance Essay
Disaster Recovery & Humanitarian Assistance - Essay Example Out of all the classes I took this semester, I really enjoyed taking this one. While I originally thought it would be extremely easy, I soon found it was much more challenging, and that was good because it helps me to challenge myself and learn more. I was able to develop better habits, simply because I knew I wanted to do my best in this class and I was going to do everything I could to do that. That being said, I still think there were some things I could have done better on. There were several assignments I did not put one hundred percent into, and some tests I most certainly could have prepared more for. But that in itself is also a learning experience, and it shows me that if I want to achieve my goals, I need to put everything I have into the classes I am taking. And there were several topics that gave me a tough time. The first one to come to mind is the chapters on direct preparedness for disaster relief. I never know the plans had to be so thought out and complicated, and at first I hade a difficult time grasping those ideas. However, I soon found that by looking at them carefully and really going over them, they soon became almost a second nature for me. Looking forward, I really feel that this class help prepared me for a future in helping people.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Efficient Markets hyphotesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Efficient Markets hyphotesis - Essay Example This simple concept has remarkable repercussions for the financial markets and investors alike. In this paper we will talk about the efficient market hypothesis in great detail with reference to technical and fundamental analysis. We will talk about market efficiency and types of market efficiencies. The concepts of ‘random walk’ and ‘fair game model’ will also be discussed. In the end test and studies conducted to prove the efficient market hypothesis will be presented alongside with the conclusion. The efficient market hypothesis proposes that assets in financial markets are priced after taking all the public information available into account. This means that people might not be able to earn abnormal profit consistently for a long period of time. Efficient market hypothesis entails that investors cannot earn more than the average market returns by taking similar risk exposure as the market. This hypothesis therefore suggests that markets are efficient inf ormation wise and all the public information about an asset is perfectly reflected in the market. An obvious consequence of efficient market hypothesis, if accepted, is that markets always go towards equilibrium and this in turn means that financial markets are rational in general. Critics of efficient market hypothesis tend to dispute the ‘rationality of the markets’ as they feel that this hypothesis is not able to explain market crashes (Fox, 2009). If market is overall rational then all investors should immediately.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Edit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Edit - Essay Example Fairy tales never have both sides of the characters in their story. If one person is shown to be kind and smart, the other character must be stupid or mean. Children realize who the â€Å"better†people are and can easily comprehend the differences between the two characters having opposite characteristics. A fairy tale’s ending of â€Å"happily ever after†explains how the clever and â€Å"good†people can overcome and win their conflict with evil. In addition, fairy tales teach children of when to encounter trials and tribulations in their lives; Children are bound to experience hardships and obstacles in the future. They will know that evil gets punished in the end and they will overcome the dilemmas through their virtuous deeds. Bettelheim convinces that fairy tales make children realize that they can overcome dilemmas and hardships through virtuous deeds, morality and hope. I agree with Bettelheim that fairy tales can guide children’s developme nt. This is because at the end of each tale, children are taught how to overcome hardships and avoid being punished due to evil characters (Bettelheim 128). Virtuous deeds and morality can lead to happy endings and give a positive lesson to the reader. In most cases, fairy tales do not deal with ambivalent characters. Instead they show characters that are either evil or bad without the mixture of the two characters. For instance, in the Cinderella fairy tale the main character is a kind and good person. On the other hand, the stepmother to Cinderella is an evil character. We find that even after Cinderella growing up in an evil family, she does not turn to be an ambivalent character. Instead she uses her Virtuous deeds and morality to become a good person that overcomes hardships and conflict with her evil family. This Fairy tale teach the reader that even though a person may experience an environment that is evil her or she can avoid being ambivalent through Virtuous deeds (Bettelheim
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Dance, production, performance, choreography (OCD as the central Essay
Dance, production, performance, choreography (OCD as the central theme) - Essay Example That is dance as an influential impulse and as a skillfully choreographed ability practiced mostly by professionals. The link between these ideas will be stronger in producing a dance for a live community audience. Producing and making a dance for a live community performance is one of the most challenging tasks and it requires joint efforts. Several people will need to be engaged in coordinating all elements that are essential for production. Some of the fundamental aims of creating this dance would include expressing and communicating our feelings. We will open the dance with a voice over counting 1,2,3,4, it will be counting four times in totoal and will speed up as it goes along. This will be used to introduce the ocd. We will be in the audience or one of the chairs getting up on stage sequence (nat workshop)-introduces our characters. This will slowly show the affect our ocd/ movement has on us and on each other. Showing the connections between us as we travel about our everyday life. Trio - waking up in everyday life, showing our relationships between each other, showing our interaction e.g racing forward (competing against each other). further developing our characters and the relationships between them. ... It also shows Niamh and Nats relationship (nat not wanting to talk/slightly controlling niamh. These relationships are all a counter reaction of our feelings towards ocd. Niamh and nats duet: showing niamhs battle to be open about it and nats battle to keep it hidden. symbolises the struggles behind ocd that doesn’t always appear on the surface Possible working with other people - representation of more character relationships that occur from ocd Niamh, Cecilia and Nat sinister trio - heavily focused on characterisation. showing the reactions of others to ocd e.g niamh is open about it and nat and cecilia are intrueged and checking if she still does it in weird situations. their ocd is still showing through but they are trying to hide it. The community dance will aim at educating people on the importance of insurance as well as entertaining them. Moreover, the community dance will often entail a unique attempt of stylization, for instance the dance movements will be arr anged into a rhythmic or spatial pattern, tracing circles or lines on the ground, tracking a definite order of steps, or complying with a pattern of usual stresses or accents. All these features will produce a unique condition of mind and body that will provide the audience with a different knowledge. We would like the audience to be drawn into the patterns and rhythms generated by the movements of dancers so that they may share the feelings being expressed. The choreographic process Choreography refers to the art of creating dances, the assembly and arrangement of movement into a pattern and order. Latest Western dances have been produced by particular choreographers, who have been considered as the owners and authors of their works in an approach comparable to composers,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Paper Example It comes under the category of social sciences which deal with the costs, profits, efficiency and other related concepts. Along with their application in business and services sectors, the public sectors of the country such as medical and healthcare services also make use of economics in their management and decision making (Kitty & Mack, 1995). Significance in Medical and Healthcare The recent research studies indicate that the ideas of theoretical and practical applications have contributed greatly to the medical and health sector. This great deal of contribution can be initially summed up in three words: heterogeneity, sustainability and scarcity. In order to identify and imply the technically best and socially desirable approach, the medical practitioners apply the concepts of providing the patients and need with ‘optimal’ care and benefits. It is the maximum point where the marginal benefits of the service provider is zero and does not care for the opportunity costs involved in it.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Planning a Training Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Planning a Training Program - Essay Example Making crochet starts with learning about chain stitching. At the second phase, the trainees will be provided training about ‘how to stitch’. Chain stitching is a needlework stitching method in which a chain design is developed from twisted stitches. It is considered as a traditional craft method. Chain stitching does not necessitate needle badge and due to this reason, the stitch is considered as actual surface embroidery on complete fabric. In this phase, the trainers will learn about making curved line and numerous sewing patterns. Two significant trainings will be provided in this stage, one is hand stitching and the other one is machine stitching technique. Hand stitching will be the fundamental training for developing crochet. After acquiring complete grasp of hand stitching, the trainees will know about how to do machine stitching as an advanced stitching technique. It is considered as a faster as well as more secured stitching method. Third Stage: Single Croc hetIn the third stage, the learners will be provided training about how to make single crochet. Single crochet is one of the most vital phases for learning crochet because without it no one will be able to prepare the double crochet properly and the whole training will become a chaos. The single crochet training will instruct the following aspects:†¢Ã‚ Method of implanting the crochet hook†¢Ã‚ Method of yarningAfter completely understanding the process of single crochet, the trainees will be provided teaching about conducting the dual crochet.... several types of hooks, yarns, and threads Recognizing the uses of other significant components such as scissors, safety pins, stitch markers, buttons, and zippers among others Measuring the length and the breadth of crochet that needs to be developed Selecting appropriate needles for crochet and, Calculating number of stitches in crochet Second Stage: Chain Stitching Making crochet starts with learning about chain stitching. At the second phase, the trainees will be provided training about ‘how to stitch’. Chain stitching is a needlework stitching method in which a chain design is developed from twisted stitches. It is considered as a traditional craft method. Chain stitching does not necessitate needle badge and due to this reason, the stitch is considered as actual surface embroidery on complete fabric. In this phase, the trainers will learn about making curved line and numerous sewing patterns. Two significant trainings will be provided in this stage, one is hand sti tching and the other one is machine stitching technique. Hand stitching will be the fundamental training for developing crochet. After acquiring complete grasp of hand stitching, the trainees will know about how to do machine stitching as an advanced stitching technique. It is considered as a faster as well as more secured stitching method. Third Stage: Single Crochet In the third stage, the learners will be provided training about how to make single crochet. Single crochet is one of the most vital phases for learning crochet because without it no one will be able to prepare the double crochet properly and the whole training will become a chaos. The single crochet training will instruct the following aspects: Method of implanting the crochet hook Method of yarning Drawing up the circle Conducting
Block Scheduling vs Periods Essay Example for Free
Block Scheduling vs Periods Essay A small debate has always been discussed when talking about block scheduling and traditional class periods. Some people like the longer classes while others prefer the traditional six shorter class periods. Everyone has their own opinions about block scheduling. Block scheduling can be really helpful to high school students in many ways. Although, block scheduling is a longer time spent in one class, it should be mandatory in all high schools rather than traditional class periods. Block Scheduling is more like college classes, rather than traditional six period classes. There are many ways to schedule with using the block method. One option is the alternating block schedule. Classes meet each day for ninety minutes. Four classes meet on A days, and four meet on B days, with days of the week alternating as A or B. The second method is the semester block scheduling. This allows students to attend just four classes for ninety minutes each day for an entire semester. The following semester students enroll in another four classes. These two methods are the most like college classes. It is good for high school students to experience and get used to the longer time spent in classes to prepare them for college. Block scheduling allows students to take more subjects and cover more material in one class. High school students need to prepare for the future and get used to the way college classes are organized and with the block scheduling they are sure to do that. With the six traditional class periods students only have forty-five to sixty minutes in each class before the bell signals for the next. By the traditional six classes they stay in the same subject all year around. Block scheduling gives two more extra classes to take because of the extra time (Schroth). Many high school students are involved in extracurricular activities at the school they attend. By using the block method, teachers can get most of everything they had planned finished in one class allowing extra time to do class work and students will not have as much homework. Only having four classes cut down on homework rather than six classes all year around. Block scheduling allows teachers to teach less students and can have relationships and get to know each student very well. Students can get direct help from the instructor and can learn more easily (Ediger). This is good for at risk students because it gives them a chance to just focus on a few subjects each semester rather than all year long. In some schools, block scheduling allows students to take dual enrollment at their local community college. By doing this, high school students can get a head start on college classes if they are able (Childers). Many opportunities to help academics can come from the block scheduling method. Block Scheduling allows students who fail a subject the first semester, to retake it the second semester. Many schools have seen test scores increase (Wilson). While students have more time to do daily work instead of homework, teachers have more time for their planning period. It allows more time for more in class projects and individual work between students and the instructor. Many teachers have said that with block scheduling, more discipline problems have decreased. Because traditional scheduling requires changing classes six times a day, students get more chances to start trouble between those classes. With block scheduling you’re only changing three times and there is a less chance of problems between classes (Wilson). Block scheduling does have its disadvantages just like traditional scheduling. Since students will not be going to class daily, some subjects might require drill and practice to stay refreshed on a student’s mind (Schroth). With classes being ninety minutes, students might get tired or bored with the subject they are in and ready to go to the next class. A bad instructor could cause students to not want to go to class for that long of a time. Block scheduling advantages outweighs its disadvantage. It prepares high school students for college. College classes are completely different than high school. Teachers have more time to prepare, teach and individually help each student in class. Discipline issues have decreased because of the less time spent in the hallways. The block method is great for all high schools and preparing students for the future.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Analysis of Retail Market Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Retail Market Essay Larger businesses in retail are generally more profitable than smaller businesses with many of the largest businesses historically among the most profitable in the economy. The larger retailers in Australia would appear to have enjoyed better returns on capital than their overseas counterparts and have continued to do so since the global financial crisis. Growth in retail sales has been slow in recent years. While short term or cyclical factors have contributed to this slowdown, the growth of retail sales has experienced a long term slowdown due to changes in consumer buying habits. Consumers are choosing to spend a smaller share of their income on retail goods because over the recent past, they are saving more and they are spending greater shares of their expenditure on services such as finance, rent and education. Further, while there has been price deflation in some sub-categories of retail, overall, sales volumes have continued to grow. The level of productivity in the Australian retail industry is low compared to retail in other countries in Europe and North America. However, the growth rate of productivity in retail, over the past two decades, has been similar to the average rate for all industries in Australia. Retailers have achieved productivity growth by increasing the capital intensity of their operations, including through adopting information and communications technology. Furthermore, investments in big box retailing have also been a factor. These changes occurred earlier in the US, and since then, US retailers have continued to achieve productivity growth by improving management and operations to make more effective use of labour and capital. These opportunities appear yet to be fully realised by most Australian retailers. A snapshot of the retail industry Retailing makes a significant contribution to the economy The retail industry is one of Australia’s largest employers. Currently, there are almost 140 000 retail businesses employing about 1. 2 million people or 10. 7 per cent of the total working population. Together, retail workers earn about $32 billion in wages and salaries each year, or 6 per cent of the economy’s total. The retail industry also makes a significant contribution to economic output, contributing $55 billion or over 4 per cent of GDP each year. However, it is a relatively small contributor to investment (table 3. 1). Table 3. 1 The contribution of Australian retail trade 2009-10a Retail trade Gross value added ($m) Employment (‘000s) Wages and salaries ($m) Investment ($m) Capital stock ($m) Number of businesses (end 2008-09) a Includes motor vehicles parts and fuel retailing. Source: ABS (Australian System of National Accounts: gross fixed capital formation and capital stock, Cat. no. 5204. 0; Labour Force, Australia, Cat. no. 6291. 0, Counts of Australian Businesses, Cat. no. 8165. 0).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Works Of David Cronenberg Film Studies Essay
The Works Of David Cronenberg Film Studies Essay The dissertation reviews works of David Cronenberg circa 1976-1999 in relation to Truffauts theories of the auteur to show the relevance of auteur theory in todays cinematic climate. The dissertation will look at Cronenbergs recurring themes, subjects such as biology, the use of insects as a supernatural force, body horror, and themes of psychological delusion and repression. These themes are consistent in Cronenberg film practice, and will form the basis of identifiable traits for consideration in defining contemporary autership. It will look into both of sides of the argument comparing the evidence from sources that believe directorial auterism is a viable concept and those who feel film making is a collaborative process and therefore a director can never truly take ownership of a piece of work. In this chapter the dissertation will also look at Cronenbergs Rabid which is the directors second feature film. The genre is a Horror film and relies heavily on one of the staple themes of the vampire sub-genre Infection which in this case a strain of rabies being passed on from person to person through the exchange of bodily fluids. The plot is simple girl falls off motorbike, girl has pioneering yet risky surgery, surgery turns girl into bloodthirsty vampiress The recurrent themes are ones of body modification (surgery), faceless medical organisations, sexuality and penetration, especially in the manifestation of a phallic, knife-like probe that emerges from lead actress Marilyn Chambers armpit to stab and infect her victims. The dissertation will discuss the different aspects that make up the film including the actors and their performances, staging (Director of Photography) the narrative and the script and look to relate them back to Truffauts guidelines to highlight key element s. Dissertation chapter 3: The Fly (Dir. David Cronenberg (1986) A scientist invents a teleportation device and accidentally teleports both himself and a fly at the same time. This unfortunate event leads to the scientist becoming part man part fly. The film is a story of blind ambition, a love story and also a story of metamorphosis. The consistency in Cronenbergs choice of film crew (Director of Photography, composer etc) will be looked at in detail and compared to his previous films along with the other recurring themes mentioned in the introduction. Dissertation chapter 4: CONCLUSION In this chapter the dissertation will compare the recurring themes between the films in relation to Truffauts theory of autership. This correlation between the content of both films and Truffauts work aim to show that, Cronenberg can in fact be classed as an auteur. Chapter 2 Rabid. Rabid is a 1977 film both written and directed by David Cronenberg. It is often seen as a sequel to his 1975 film Shivers both films deal with the subjects of disease and sexuality. The film tells the story of Rose Cronenberg has stated that he named her Rose as a metaphor for her innocence. Rose is played by American pornographic movie star Marilyn Chambers and tells of her newly acquired taste for blood that appears after pioneering life saving surgery after suffering a horrific motorbike crash. The skin graft surgery that Rose undergoes causes a mosquito like probe to appear in her armpit which she then uses to drink the blood of her victims. The probe itself is very phallic and is sheathed in something that resembles a vagina adding to the metaphor of this being a way of spreading sexual disease. The disease in this case is explained as a rare strain of rabies. The opening scenes of the film are set in the Keloid clinic. The director seems to have intentionally used this as a name for both the clinic and the head surgeon Doctor Dan Keloid as Keloid is a biological term for a type of scar. There is a discussion about investors being interested in putting money into the clinic between the members of staff to help create a franchised series of plastic surgery resorts which although shot in 1977 seems to reflect the modern day attitude to plastic surgery. It mirrors the blasà © approach of people to undergo potentially life threatening surgery in the name of personal appearance. The character of Lloyd Walsh (Roger Periard) is introduced into the story by stating that, Ive already had my ears done twice, im just here to get my eyes done there is evidently nothing wrong with the bags under Lloyds eyes. The discussion of franchisation is transposed with the images of a couple on a motorbike, Rose and her boyfriend, Hart Read (Frank Moore). The se quence on the motorcycle is very similar in style to sequences in the 1969 film Easy Rider. Close ups on the drivers foot changing gear are interspersed with shots of the bike weaving along country lanes. This editing technique is a horror film staple with quick cutting from actions that seem quite banal cutting back to another action that is building inevitably into catastrophe and violence. The tension helped to build by the use of sound, Howard Shore as the composer for Rabid has used strings and driving synthesizer noises and increasing in volume. As the motorcycle winds through the country lanes we see that a third set of protagonists are brought into the scene in the form of a camper van with a family in. As the camper van driver realizes his mistake in taking a wrong turn he turns the van around blocking the road. Close up on Rose as she realizes they are about to crash. (Rabid 1977) Inevitably the couple on the motorbike swerve and Hart gets thrown clear from the wreckage; Rose however ends up underneath the bike which bursts into flames burning her badly. The scene then cuts back to the Keloid clinic where one of the patients in the hospital has witnessed the crash and alerts the medical staff. They promptly make the decision to take the ambulance and help the crash victims. The use of the location in which the clinic is set helps the audience to realize that without this help then Rose would surely die. Cleverly, Cronenberg has set the clinic in the middle of the countryside. It is clearly in the middle of winter as there are no leaves on the trees and the fields are akin to barren waste ground. The clinic itself is a cold, faceless building with darkened windows and is surrounded by forest. This is consistent with Cronenbergs use of faceless organizations such as shadowy media companies and in this case a medical establishment. The hospital appears to be the modern day equivalent of Draculas castle or some other horror film haunted house staple. Monaco states that: To experience a Horror film was cathartic, the elements are well known: there was litany to each popular genre. Part of their pleasure lay in seeing how these basic elements would be treated this time around (Monaco, 1981) Suffice to say that when we watch films from the horror genre we are expectant of seeing these certain location and character stereotypes although in the case of Rabid, Cronenberg has transformed the haunted castle with the mad professor into a more modern setting with the use of the Keloid clinic as a key location. The mad professor has now transformed from being that of Dr Victor Frankenstein or Doctor Moreau to one of experimental plastic surgeon Dr Dan Keloid. The use of the faceless medical organization is consistent throughout Cronenbergs body of work throughout the seventies and eighties. Upon the arrival of Rose into the clinic for life saving treatment, Cronenberg seems to have prophesized the modern surgical technique of stem cell research and given Dr Keloid the ability to neutralize skin tissue from Roses thigh and then use this to grow skin grafts that replace the damaged tissue that is affected by the crash. This yet again is another horror film staple; this experimental almost maverick attitude becomes the surgical equivalent of a character deciding to walk down the dark alley when there is a serial killer on the loose. Throughout this time Rose remains in a coma. The editor Jean LeFleur has used a static title stating one month later to show the passage of time and the fact that Rose has been in a shock induced coma for a long time. Changes in time and space invite audiences to make an immediate comparison between two distinct points in time. Changes in time and space may mark the presence of central conflicts or emphasize important stages in character development (Pramaggiore, M. and Wallis, T., 2008) To show the development of a character that is essentially immobile and unable to communicate without the use of something like dream sequence for instance would be challenging to the director. It seems that what initially appears to look like a potentially lazy plot device in the use of a title to show the passage of time actually becomes a logical tool to show the development of Roses character. It is at this point that Rose awakens from her coma. It is suggested to the audience that by Rose unflinchingly removing the Intravenous drip from her arm that something might not be right. Fellow patient Lloyd Walsh discovers Rose lying in her hospital bed thrashing around her breasts uncovered. Rose claims to have no recollection of the accident but complains of being cold and wants Lloyd to embrace her for warmth. Beard says that; Metanarratively there is a kind of male-sexual-fantasy skit going on, with Lloyd as the male viewers stand-in: man accidentally comes upon beautiful young woman semi-naked in a hospital room; his safety as a voyeur is guaranteed by the womans unconsciousness; when she does awaken, she begs him to hold her because she is cold- another opportunity for covert sexual satisfaction (Beard, 2006) This part of the scene can be construed as Roses awakening of her dormant blood lust and her way of using her sexuality to entice her prey into physical contact so she can feed on them. Another way of looking at it is that this scene is Cronenbergs dark sense of humor coming to the fore. Casting a porn film actress in what audiences would regard as a relatively mainstream film and then placing her in a scenario not too dissimilar to the plot of a seventies porn film could be seen as amusing. The scene plays out with an ironic twist of fate; the male viewers on the side of Lloyd want to see this beautiful woman let Lloyd have sex with her, it is however Lloyd that is the one who gets penetrated with a phallus. Rose strikes with her armpit spike, and the scene once more is sexualized (again metanarratively) and in an unexpected way that reverses the roles of sexual attacker and victim (Beard, 2006) Rose then feeds on Lloyds blood, and Lloyd having no recollection of this starts to wander the hospital looking for help. He has no recollection of what has happened to him and as there appears to be no evidence of Rose having been awake at all it is assumed that Lloyd has had a stroke and fallen. However when the staff enter Roses room everything is in disarray and one of the nurses tells Doctor Keloid she believes Lloyd has tried to molest Rose. The decision is made to send Lloyd to the general infirmary in the city after they have taken some blood samples. This decision is a turning point in the story and shows how Cronenberg has married together several different horror staples; a vampire movie has now shows some of the traits of becoming a zombie film too. The idea of a single infected person being sent back into the general population unaware of the disease they are carrying after a wrong diagnosis from the doctor, furthering the spread of disease is something that has been use d time and time again in film making. Metaphorically speaking the disease could be thought of as a sexually transmitted infection as the situation in which it was passed had definite sexual undertones. After Rose has fed on Lloyd they lay down in what appears to be some kind of post coital bliss. Rose attacks Lloyd and feeds on his blood, she strokes his hair and they lay back down on the bed. (Rabid, 1977) After Lloyd is sent to the general infirmary in the city, Dr Keloid looks at Lloyds blood sample through a microscope and realizes that something Is not quite right. The blood sample is shown through the point of view of the doctor and the blood cells are being attacked by other mutated cells. This representation of the disease is akin to watching a sperm fertilize an egg except in the case of the disease the sperm like disease is not fertilizing a cell but eating it instead. This imagery is akin to the spread of the disease throughout the populace shown later on in the film. Cronenberg stated that, Rabid was about the spread of diseaseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, how a whole city is finally almost brought to his knees by a sexually transmitted disease. My imagery tends to be very body oriented. I think Im interested in transformation as well, but not in an abstract spiritual sense or at least not at first, but in a very physical sense. In the case of Rabid it seems Cronenberg is not concerned with only the physical transformation of the protagonists, but also it seems the transformation of society as a whole. It could be assumed that within Rabid, Cronenberg is addressing the changing attitudes of society and that the end of the free love attitude of the sixties and seventies is changing. Sex is no longer safe he appears to be saying. The final scene of the film shows Rose dead on the pavement. Government soldiers that have been charged with controlling the population and keeping the spread of the disease under control find her and throw her into the back of a garbage truck. Muir (2006) proposes that Cronenberg is merely having a stab at women and implying that it is women who are the carriers of disease and that the final scene with Rose getting thrown away emphasizes his thoughts on promiscuity within women equating them to the likes of garbage. Rose, dead, is thrown away into the garbage truck. (Rabid, 1977) Chapter 3 The Fly. Im saying Im an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it, but now that dream is over and the insect is awake.- Seth Brundle (The Fly, 1986) The Fly is a 1986 film directed by David Cronenberg and produced by Mel Brooks. The film is a remake of the 1958 film of the same title directed by Kurt Neumann which is in turn based on the short story by George Langelaan. The Fly was Cronenbergs biggest cinematic success to date. The director has completely re-imagined the film of the fifties and transformed it into a love story between two characters. The film focuses on Cronenbergs recurring obsession with the horror of the human body. The scientist Seth Brundle (played by Jeff Goldblum) and magazine journalist Veronica Quaife (played by Geena Davis) are the main characters involved in the story. Goldblum plays one of the archetypal Cronenberg staples, the mad scientist. Unusually for Cronenberg the scientist is a likeable character, slightly awkward but ultimately charming. As is the norm for the director, Brundle works for a faceless scientific organization Bartok Science Industries who are financing Brundles work. The pair mee ts at a press event held by Bartok. Brundle convinces Veronica that his work will change the course of human history. Wisker (2005) states that Cronenbergs fascinations lie in the perversions of science being manipulated by corporate interests and how humans, initially unaware, are sucked in to the danger resulting in devastation. This is especially the case regarding the character of Veronica Quaife although it seems that in this scenario, both parties involved had the best intentions and both were unaware of the horror which was to follow. When Brundle asks Veronica to come and look at the project he is working on both characters has ulterior motives, Brundle wants sex and Quaife wants a story for particle magazine. Brundles project is one of teleportation; he is on the verge of mastering teleportation via the use of two pods. Brundle and Veronica go back to his workshop, when they arrive outside the building he lives in the building is dark made of brick and has no discerning fea tures as are the majority of Cronenbergs choice of location throughout his career. The dark building where inside the viewer knows that scientific horror waits. In Rabid (1977) it was the use of a plastic surgery clinic, an apartment block in Shivers (1976) and in The Fly it is an old red brick mill type building. Muir (2007) claims that Veronicas effect on Brundles work is one of humanization, initially it is seen that Brundle has the single minded focus of an insect already, in one particular scene Veronica looks in Seths wardrobe only to encounter five sets of the same clothes. Brundle states that this is purely so he will not have to expend energy worrying unnecessarily about what he is wearing, thus allowing him to concentrate fully on his work. Veronica teaches Brundle about Flesh and about with that comes feelings that seem to have eluded Brundle throughout his manhood; feelings of love and passion are intermingled with anger jealousy over Veronicas suspected continuation of a relationship with her former lover. This is not the case however and we learn early on that veronica wants nothing more to do with Stathis (John Getz) who also happens to be her boss at the magazine. It is this drunken and jealous rage that leads Seth to decide to use his teleportation pods to transport himself. A s shown to the audience previously transporting living flesh has not gone well to say the least, initially the transportation of a baboon led to the baboon being turned inside out. Metaphorically speaking the baboon incident coincided with the introduction of Veronica into Brundles life, figuratively speaking it was not just the baboon that was turned inside out but also Seths life. Brundle tries teleporting a baboon with devastating results (The Fly, 1986) Without the introduction of Veronica it is assumed that uncalculated risk would not enter into Brundles research however fueled by alcohol and jealousy he decides to transport himself in the pods. Whilst entering the transportation pod Brundle fails to notice a fly has entered in with him. As the door seals the audience realize, so is Brundles fate. It is at this point that Cronenbergs film becomes a story about the frailty of human flesh and as with the major body of his work a metaphoric tale of disease, loss and the relationship between human and machine. As Brundle leaves Pod B he feels more alive than he has before unaware that the computer has fused, on a genetic level, both himself and the fly together in to what Seth refers to as, Brundlefly. Seths behavior gradually becomes more animalistic; he becomes more sexually aggressive, stronger and exhibits more risky behavior. Brundle thinks that he has somehow purified himself, by going through the machine and being pieced back together he somehow thinks that the computer has improved him. It becomes apparent to Veronica that maybe things are not quite right with Seth after the discovery of coarse black hair growing out of Seths back. After Veronica has the hairs medically examined it transpires that they are insect hairs. Seth is in denial and tells Veronica that, Ive become free, Im released and you cant stand it. Hairs sprouting from the back of Seth Brundle (The Fly, 1986) When Veronica points out that Seth is not well he retaliates by going to a bar with the sole purpose of finding another woman to have sex with. in a scene which seems to encapsulate both Brundles new found animalistic masculinity and his wanting to take his anger and hurt out on another being he enters into an arm wrestling match. He bets the men one hundred dollars and the hand of the girl at the bar who is with the men. Brundle starts to arm wrestle, white almost sperm like fluid seeps from his hand as he wrestles the man. With little effort, Seth breaks the bigger mans arm and walks off with the girl. Cronenberg yet again punishes promiscuity like he has done in previous films such as Shivers and Rabid. In the case of Brundlefly a combination of promiscuous behavior and risky scientific procedure leads to Brundlefly becoming diseased in a very noticeable way. The transformation of Brundle into Brundlefly at least at first seems to replicate the physical characteristics of AIDS. De rry states that: In Cronenbergs, movie the scientists early manifestation of bodily change resemble the skin lesions of Kaposis sarcoma, the cancer so common in the early stages of AIDS-related immune dysfunction. As these changes transform him into something monstrous-looking that even his girlfriend recoils from. (Derry, 2009) Lesions on Brundles face, similar to Kaposis sarcoma (The Fly, 1986) Derry is making the point that within the context of a horror film Cronenberg is asking a profound question on whether or not we as a society can show compassion for the degradation of people who are suffering from debilitating disease. By ignoring or failing to embrace these people due to revulsion are we becoming monsters ourselves? Veronica shows us that she is a strong and compassionate character by comforting Brundlefly even though to the viewer he has become a repulsive monster. Cronenberg has said that: The AIDS connection is very superficial. I see it (The Fly) as talking about mortality, about our vulnerability and the tradgedy of human loss (Cronenberg) This may well be the case but in the context of which the film was released it seems no doubt inevitable that viewers would link the film with the AIDS paranoia of the nineteen eighties. Seth Brundle states in the film that, I seem to be afflicted by a disease with a purpose, wouldnt you say. In a social context at the time HIV and AIDs were misunderstood diseases with a lack of education, especially from the government and public misinformation and rumours adding to the fear felt by the public. Cronenberg has yet again tapped into the fear of the unknown. Speculation about the films hidden meanings and metaphors certainly helped gain public interest for the film and to garner huge box office success for the director. In one particular dream sequence there is scene involving a pregnant Veronica giving birth in the hospital. The surgeon, who in this case is none other than the director himself, pulls what the audience are led to believe a baby from Veronicas womb. Amidst the screening the audience, as well as veronica see for the first time that this is no ordinary baby and she has given birth to a baby/maggot hybrid. This reflects the fear of the public during the AIDS crisis, what if my unborn baby is infected? What if somehow my baby is different? Cronenbergs cameo as a surgeonas he pulls the maggot baby from Veronica. (The Fly, 1986) Jà ¼rgen Mà ¼ller, Herbert Klemens (2003) Claim that, along with several other films of the eighties, The Fly is dealing with the theme of a person, in this case Brundle, looking for the Lost Secret the need for a person to become something which they are not. In the case of The Fly Cronenberg has touched on this theme but as is usual for the director the theme is based around the fact that if anyone tries to transgress the boundaries set by nature they will be found guilty of hubris, punishment in the case of Seth Brundle is creeping dissolution. Once he has felt how perfect a specimen he can be as a man, once he has achieved this greatness the only possible way for the character to go is down.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Dyslexia :: essays research papers
Dyslexia For Children Jimmy’s Story: Jimmy was a 10 year old boy who had done well in school through the third grade. Once he got the fourth grade he was having trouble following the readings as fast as the other children could. He was mixing up words and confusing letters. He was very upset so he told his mom and she decided to check out what was happening. She took Jimmy to the doctor and the doctor had Jimmy take some tests and the doctor discovered that Jimmy had dyslexia. This didn’t mean that Jimmy was stupid, it just meant that he had trouble reading certain words. Jimmy would have to see a special teacher to fix his problem. Facts about dyslexia: 1.Children who are dyslexic are not stupid 2. Dyslexic is a word used to describe children who have trouble putting words together or spelling 3. Although many people may think so, dyslexic people do not see things backwards. 4. Many dyslexic children seem to have good creative skills like drawing, painting or playing a musical instrument. 5. Dyslexia can have more of an affect on one person than it does another or it may have less of an affect on one person or the other. 6. Experts think that 10% of all children have some degree of dyslexia and only 4% have a really bad case of dyslexia. This means that if you have dyslexia, you are not the only one. There are many other children who work with dyslexia everyday. 7. No two dyslexic children are alike. Children who have dyslexia are just like everyone else except they have to work through their reading and writing a little harder. 8. Many famous people have worked through dyslexia for example: Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb; Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain and Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America.(1) Causes of dyslexia: There is no real answer for the cause of dyslexia. Dyslexia is not contagious so you can’t get it from someone else, it is not in something that you eat and it is not a cough or the flu so it won’t hurt you if you have it. Doctors think that dyslexia runs in families, so it might get passed down from your mom or dad when you are born.(1) Solving dyslexia: The best known solution to dyslexia is working with a special teacher and working hard. There are some medicines that are available (ritalin and adirol) that will help you concentrate better but the way to getting past dyslexia is all in the hard work.
Charles Dickens :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Charles Dickens Something about Charles Dickens and his ability to take his reader to unbelievable places with his imaginative powers allows him the honor of being the most popular English novelist of the 19th century. Dickens has thrilled his readers for many years with his down-to-earth stories about real people forced into real situations. Charles Dickens has the ability to tell his stories from personal experiences. He fine-tuned his ability to tell his own story through the life of another character or cast of characters. Born on the evening of February 7, 1812, Charles Dickens was the second child of his parents, John and Elizabeth Dickens.. Although he was a solitary child, Dickens was observant and good natured . Looking back on this period of his life, Dickens thought of it as the golden age (Carey 6). In the first novel that he wrote, The Pickwick Papers, Dickens tries to bring back the good old times as he remembers them with their picturesque nature. Gary Carey believes that this novel displays the happiness of innocence and the playful spirit of the youth during the time of Dickens's youthful days (7). Overtaken by financial difficulties, the Dickens family was forced to move into a shabby suburb of Camden Town. This move must have shown the family how good they had it back in Chatham. There Dickens was removed from school and forced to work degrading menial jobs in an effort to help his struggling father put food on the table. Dickens was put to work in a blackening factory among many rough and cruel employees, probably the worst job in town. Shortly after Dickens started working in the factory his father was thrown into jail for failure to pay his debts, only to be released three months later. This period of time affected Dickens greatly as he went into a period of depression. He felt abandoned and destroyed by this evil roller-coaster ride of life he was on. From this time period come many of the major themes of his more popular novels. Perhaps the most popular of these novels is David Copperfield. In this novel Dickens depicts a young man who grows up in a very similar way to that of his own (Allen 28).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Knowles Separate Peace Essays: The Theme of A Separate Peace :: Separate Peace Essays
The Theme of A Separate Peace      The persistent theme of A Separate Peace is the deterioration of a complex friendship. The bond between two boys (Finny and Gene) becomes tested and attacked, as the reader observes a seemingly utopian relationship fall into decadence. Gene becomes challenged with various inner hostilities, while Finny, his proclivity for athletics revoked, has been forced to find acceptability and provocation elsewhere. Furthermore, the book commences during mid-to-late 1942, during the height of the Axis powers' success. The effect of stress and tension on the camaraderie of the boys becomes elevated. The intensities of war, envy, and intricate personalities synthesize to provide an interesting look into the subconscious mind and sanity of war-time youth. Phineas and Gene form the illusion of great companionship, combining superior athletic ability with a powerful intellect. However, a silent rivalry develops between them. At the beginning of the story Gene seems to accept Finny's premium physical agility, but he resents what he feels is flaunting (of his aptitudes) by Phineas. As the book progresses, Gene continues to look deeper into their fellowship and quickly becomes wildly jealous of Finny. Eventually, Gene impairs Finny by jouncing the limb where Finny stood. Phineas, meanwhile, seems unaware of Gene's evil thoughts. He continues to remain optimistic and promising. Amidst this rivalry, World War II persists and the faculty at Devon School are preparing the students for entrance into the military. Propaganda and the war effort enthrall the youth. From the forming of the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session, to the shoveling of snow at the railroad yard, everyone is absorbed by the aura of warfare. Gene's realization, while shoveling snow, that "we [he and his schoolmates] seemed to be nothing but children playing among heroic men" (89) demonstrated his generation are merely pawns in a global conflict. Gene sustains his inclination towards pessimism and exposes the evil within him. The disharmony betwixt Gene and Finny constitutes a separate, full-scale war when Phineas fractures his leg once again. With Phineas' inner evil now exposed and his superficial personality shattered, Gene quickly becomes the object of his animosity. With the death of Phineas, the relationship has exhaustively deteriorated. When he fails to weep, Gene reveals that it is not just Finny's funeral, but his own.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Islam world Essay
European countries colonized most of the Islam world in eighteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. They were able to manage the finances and economies of these countries which only catered on their own interests and in their own ways. Banks all over the world have their own system in operating their organization. They set policies to attain their specific objectives and goals. One of these is the Islamic banking. Islamic banking as defined in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia refers to a system of banking or banking activity which is consistent with Islamic law (Sharia) principles and guided by Islamic economics. In Islamic law, it forbids usury, the collection and payment of interest which is usually called as riba in Islamic discourse. In general, the Islamic law forbids trading in financial risk which is seen as a form of gambling. It also forbids investing in businesses that are considered haram such as businesses which involve in alcohol or pork, or businesses which produce un-Islamic media. Numerous of Islamic banking was founded in the late 20th century to cater to this specific banking market. History of Islamic Banking During the time of Prophet Muhammad, the Muslim communities have limited banking activity such as acceptance of deposits. In those days, the Muslims deposited their money with the Prophet or with the First Khalif of Islam whose name is Abu Bakr Sedique. The first Islamic bank was founded in Egypt which was put into under cover without giving any hint of Islamic image for having the fear of being seen as a manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism. In 1963, there was a pioneering effort made by Ahmed El Najjar who took the form of savings bank based on profit-sharing in Egyptian town of Mit Ghamr as an experiment. But the experimentation was ended in 1967 because during those days, there were nine banks in the country which had the same system as his. Principles in Islamic Banking Just like other banking systems, Islamic banking follows same purpose except that it operates in accordance with the rules of Shariah which is known as Figh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transactions). The sharing of profit and loss and the prohibition of riba’ which means interest is the basic principle in Islamic banking. There are common Islamic concepts which are used by the Islamic banking and these are the Mudharabah ( profit sharing) , Wadiah (safekeeping), Musharakah (joint venture), Murabahah ( cost plus) and Ijarah (leasing). Islamic banking uses many approaches in operating the system, if someone would like to loan the buyer money for him to purchase the selected item he chooses, the bank might be the one to buy that item to the seller and re-sell it to him at a profit by allowing him to pay the bank in installments but before his loan will be approved, the bank would ask him to have his strict collateral for bank’s protection against default. The land or goods which are registered in his name from the start of the transaction are the possible collateral. However, if he has late payment, there will be no additional penalties. This kind of arrangement is known as Murabaha. Ijara wa Iqtina is another approach use by Islamic banking. It is just similar to real estate leasing. All Islamic banks have the same approaches when it comes to vehicle loans. They sell the vehicle at a higher rate than in the market price to the debtor and have his/her ownership of the vehicle until the loan is paid. Islamic banks also used several approaches in business deals. They lend money to the some companies by issuing floating rate interest loans. This floating rate of interest is pegged to the company’s individual rate of return. In other words, the bank’s profit on the loan has equal ratio to a certain percentage of the company’s profit. There will be profit-sharing arrangement if the principal amount of the loan is repaid. This kind of approach is called Musharaka. Another approach is the Mudaraba. It is a venture capital funding which the bank provides financing while a certain entrepreneur provides labor so that both risk and profit are commonly shared. This kind of arrangement reflects the Islamic view that the borrower must not only be the one to bear all the risk or cost of a failure. Islamic banking only finance the Islamic acceptable deals and it doesn’t involve in alcohol, pork, gambling and other form of businesses that are against in their beliefs. The only acceptable form of investment is the ethical investing and moral purchasing is encouraged. Recently, there are numerous Islamic banks opened in the Muslim world but they still have a very small share of the global banking system. Concepts in Islamic debt banking *Wadiah (Safekeeping) The bank is entrusted as a keeper and trustee of funds. An individual deposits fund in the bank and the bank will guarantee and assure refund of the entire amount of the deposit, or any amount of outstanding balance whenever the depositor demands or withdraws it. The depositor may be rewarded with ‘hibah’ also called as gift as a way of showing gratitude for the use of funds by the bank. The bank compensates depositors for the time-value of their money; an example of this is the interest but refers it as a â€Å"gift†. *Mudharabah (Profit Loss sharing) It is an agreement or arrangement between an entrepreneur and a capital provider which the entrepreneur can use funds for his/her business activity. The capital provider and the entrepreneur will share the profits according to an agreed ratio but if ever there are losses, only the capital provider will bear them. The profit-sharing continues until the loan is repaid. The bank will be compensated for the time value of its money through the form of floating interest rate which is pegged to the debtor’s profits. * Musharakah (Joint Venture) This kind of approach is usually applied for joint ventures and business partnerships. They share same profits according to their agreed ratio and divide incurred losses based on the equity participation ratio. This concept is different from fixed-income investing. *Murabahah (Cost Plus) This concept is referring to the sale of goods at a price, which include a profit margin agreed to by both parties. At the time of sale agreement, the purchase and selling price, the profit margin and other costs must be clearly stated. The bank will be compensated for the time value of its money in the form of the profit money. It is a fixed-income loan for the purchase of a real asset such as real estate or a vehicle having a fixed rate of interest. The bank cannot have an additional interest on late payments. The asset remains in the ownership of the bank unless it is fully paid. This kind of concept is also similar to â€Å"rent-to-own†arrangements for furniture or appliances that are very common in North American stores. * Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (Deferred Payment Sale) This concept is almost the same with Murabahah but the debtor in this concept makes only a single installment and will pay on the maturity date of the loan. It also refers to the sale of goods on a deferred payment basis at a price including the profit margin agreed to by both parties. *Wakalah (Agency) The concept happens when an individual appoints a representative to do the transactions on his/her behalf which is just similar to a power of attorney. *Qardhul Hassan (Benevolent Loan) Of all form of loans mentioned, only Qardhul Hassan has an excellent effect to the debtors because in this loan, the debtor is only required to repay the principal amount lent. However, the debtor may pay an extra amount (any amount that is in his heart) beyond the principal amount of the loan as a way of gratitude to the creditor. But this transaction is a true interest-free loan because there are debtors who do not give an extra amount to the creditor. For some Muslims, they consider this loan as the only type of loan that does not go against with the prohibition on riba which is a type of a loan that does not compensate the creditor for the value of money. *Ijarah Thumma Al Bai’ (Hire Purchase) In this concept of loan, there are two contracts involved. Ijarah contract is into leasing/renting and the other contract is called Bai’ contact which means to purchase. These two contracts are undertaken one after the other. An example of this is in a car financing facility. A customer enters in an Ijarah contract where he/she leases the car from the owner which is the bank at an agreed amount over a particular period of time. When his contract in Ijarah expires, the Bai’ contract comes into effect which enables the customer to purchase and own the car at an agreed price. With this, the bank sells the car to the customer at an above market-price profit in return for agreeing to receive the payment over a period of time. The profit margin is equal to the interest earned at fixed rate of return. * Bai’ al-Inah (Sell and Buy back Agreement) In Bai’ al-Inah, the financier sells product to the customer on a long-term payment basis and then the financier immediately repurchased the product for cash with a discount. This agreement permits the bank to assume the ownership over the product or asset in order to protect default without charging interest in late payments or insolvency. *Hibah (Gift) The debtor in this concept voluntarily gives a hibah (gift) as a token given to the creditor in return for a loan. This concept is practice when Islamic banks voluntarily pay their customers interest on their savings account balances. * Takaful (Islamic Insurance) This concept is not new for it had been practiced by the Muhajrin of Mecca and the Ansar of Medina following the hijra of the Prophet over 1400 years ago. Takaful is also an alternative form of cover which a Muslim can avail himself the risk of loss due to misfortunes. Nowadays, in the modern business world, one way to minimize the risk of loss due to unavoidable circumstances is through insurances. The idea behind insurance is the sharing of risk. This concept of insurance does not go against in Shariah concept where resources are accumulated to help those who are in need.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Aspect For Mentally Ill Patients Health And Social Care Essay
health is a imaging for mundane flavor, non the tar furbish up area of sustenance. It is an optimistic puddle, infract accent to psycheal and societal resources both bit good as somatic abilities ( WHO, 1984 ) . Furthermore, moral health is a coincidence of an person with environment. Shives ( 2002 ) states that noetic health is a overbearing province in which 1 is responsible, displays self consciousness, is self-directive, is moderately worry free, base get by with usual day-by-day tensenesss and vitality delight. Beginning of twenty-first century, a differentiateicular att eradicateing is for the bar of mental unwellnesss and forwarding of good being. occupational therapy comes below the umbrella of mental wellness recovery. It is an beneficial usage of mundane life activities for hit leaf node in functions which gives significance to your life and assorted state of affairss at place, university, spurt topographic orchestrate, inn and other scenes ( Delany 2010 ) . AOTA ( 2004 ) states that occupational therapy addresses the carnal, rational, psychosocial, and other view of therapy is to back up battle in mundane life activities that affect wellness, good being, and feature of life . In add-on, College of occupational Therapists ( 2003 ) states that occupational therapy supporters knob to get hold of wellness, life s merriment and wellbeing done engagement in business ( creek & A Lougher, 2008 ) . So, occupational therapy is a procedure of engagement into a purposeful activity that contributes towards an person s wellness, well-being and self-respect.occupational therapy is an indispensable face for mentally gaga thickenings within socio-cultural mise en scene to heighten societal faculty, personal flush and appropriate usage of leisure clip. It at any rate builds societal interaction and eliminates societal psych peerless(prenominal)urotic disorders by deviating head towards utile waies therefore, makes a fall apart personality. Creek ( 2003 ) the major end of occupational therapy is to accomplish fulfilling public introduction and efficaciously usage of clip that pass on back up in recovery and societal engagement. Goals accommodates procedure end, such as constructing a curative relationship and leave behind end, such as brand mathematical to return place after a stay in infirmary ( Creek & A Lougher, 2008 ) . Psychiatric lymph nodes whitethorn embrace an chance to be after a better hereafter, as it plys chances as good.During my round motion to Karwan-e-Hayat infirmary, 56 grey-headed ages old young-bearing(prenominal), diagnosed with schizophrenic disorder. She is widow and has 4 touchstone boies and her hubby died 3 old ages back, her in-laws recollect that she is huffy, they do nt desire her to populate with them and they a the like sent her to panah shelter place. Where she feels really disturbed and misses her boies really much. She does nt verbalize to anyo ne and gets aggressive whenever person comes to speak to her. But her aggression subsides, when she gets baffling into the activities like summit agreement, pulling and jewelry devising in occupational therapy. These activities help in modifying her aggressive behaviour into residue as she participates in these activities with great involvement.The inventive talent theoretical cypher for psychosocial occupational therapy as described by De Witt ( 2005 ) is found upon the theory of inventive ability developed by Vona du Toit, 1960s and 1970s. creative ability theoretical account facilitate healers in measuring node s occupational public presentations based on the accomplishments they achieved. This helps clients to battle array oneself, without vacillation or anxiousness. Chiefly, model utilisation on three characteristics originative response-an antepast of pleasance despite anxiousnesss about capableness or result, originative participation- taking mickle in activ ities that challenges clients abilities and originative act-end merchandise of the originative response and originative engagement. Individual s originative capableness forms ain ability within his confine originative potency. underlying construct of theoretical account is leave farther consist of two constituents that is motive, an internecine strength that initiate person s occupational behaviour and action which is the alteration of motive into mental or physical attempt taking to an occupational behaviour. assume reflects motive is dynamic as it priming at different phases of occupational development. sequentially divides motive into 6 degrees that are tone, self-differentiation, engagement, self-presentation, part and competitory part. Similarly, action is divided into 10 degrees including pre-destructive, destructive, incidental constructive action, exploratory, original, experimental, imitative, merchandise centered, society centered and state of affairs centered. As d egree advancements, clients get diverse accomplishments and occupational behaviours. Environment is considered to be powerful cogitate with the development of originative ability. De Witt ( 2005 ) emphasizes on the precede of theoretical account, activities are purposeful when they welcome up client s demands, felicity, abilities and aim within life and supply passable chance for development and alteration. This theoretical account supports client in different countries like personal direction, societal interaction and deep usage of leisure clip. Stress plays a important function in de-motivating, act on into ban ideas and finally stoping up in reduced self-efficacy and low productiveness of work. As in above scenario, adult female is aggressive, remains stray and does non desire to speak to anyone but occupational therapy makes her emotionally stabilized. And provides opportunity to deviate her psychic and physical urges dispatch from stressors and helps to concentrate on her positive potencies. In instance of abnormal psychology, the healer may command symptoms by prosecuting client in meaningful and well-organized activities. Harmonizing to a survey it indicates positive betterment in psychologically hard put clients have entree to occupational therapy services. ( Kohn, Hitch, & A Stagnitti, 2012 ) .Therese Schmid ( 2005 ) emphasized that province of wellbeing is a subjective experience consisting of feeling of pleasance, or a scope of feeling of felicity, cling to and wellness, which can differ from single to single. occupational therapy give an opportunity to rectify client s negative and spoilt suasion as its presence addition nonadaptive behaviours, including self-abusive and non caring for others. moral wellness in relation to business affect client in important functions ( e.g. , friend, pupil, household constituent ) , activities ( e.g. , athleticss or avocations ) which grows clients emotional wellbeing, societal competency, charg e to get by with life passages, achieve personal end and life satisfaction ( AOTA, n.d. ) . Psychological, biological and societal factors are constantlyA model and modify person s wellness ( Matthews & A Barr, 2010 ) . These factors influence mental wellness of single and communities, including both single promontory mechanism and societal support. occupational therapy is one facet which improves quality of life.occupational therapy aims to holler out up the ability of an person to get by with nerve-racking events which may wedge their mental wellbeing. Diversion activities which increase their ego regard, senses of well-being, better feeling of satisfaction, beef uping the chemical equilibrium of physical, societal, religious and psychological wellness and boost up single s resiliency. Harmonizing to Mental health Commission of Canada ( 2008 ) focal point on mental wellness and construct wellness system for mental sick client in order to chassis client centered attack, l egion activities enhance clients self-governance, interpersonal, judgement and psychomotor accomplishments would function client to stay emotionally and mentally healthy. These activities include carom board, ONO, football and computing auto games, it is easy to understand their regulations and need less concentration span. Therapists can besides mix in activities like music which helps client to canvass his head and supply relaxation. Furthermore, societal congregation facilitates clients to halt believing about defective ideas and engage in positive facet of life. Finally skill edifice activities including flower agreement, sewing, personal training, art and trade testament non merely assist client in psychomotor accomplishments but besides provide an chance to be after for better hereafter so.In decision, Occupational therapy is the about indispensable therapy for mental recovery of mentally sick client as it affect client into pleasure activities to heighten their quality of life. It besides promotes qualities with regard to socio-cultural stage setting including independence, self-esteem, societal engagement and accomplishment heightening chances. imaginative ability theoretical account assists client to work efficaciously and present himself without anxiousnesss by originative response, engagement and action. It includes assorted activities therefore, assist client to change over their negative ideas and alter it towards important intents such as treatments, games and end focal point interaction. It enriches client s rational, interpersonal and psychomotor accomplishments. Occupational healer demand to advance recreation activities for mentally sick client in our society.American Occupational Therapy crosstie. ( 2004 ) . Policy 5.3.1 translation of occupational therapy pattern for State Regulation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 694-695.American Occupational Therapy Association ( n.d. ) . Mental Health in Children and Youth The Benefit and Role of Occupational Therapy. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Retrieved fromhypertext interchange of training communications protocol // FT=.pdfCanadian Association of Occupational Therapists. ( 2008 ) . Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Care. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol // pageid=1290Creek J 2003 Occupational therapy defined as a heterogeneous intercession. College of Occupational Therapists, LondonCreek, J. , & A Lougher, L. ( 2008 ) . Occupational positions on mental wellness and wellbeing. In S.E.E. Blair. , C.A. Hume & A J. Creek ( Eds. ) , Occupational therapy and mental wellness ( 4thA ed. , pp.A 18-27 ) . Edinburgh, London Churchill Livingstone.Delany, J. V. ( 2010 ) . Standards of Practice For Occupational Therapy. Standards of Practice the American Occupational Therapy A ssociation. Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol // Witt, P. 2005. Creative Ability- a theoretical account for psychiatrical occupational therapy. In Crouch, R. & A Alers, V. ( fickle detection systems ) . Occupational Therapy in psychopathology and Mental Health. 4th Edition. London and Philadelphia Whurr Publishers.Kohn, M. , Hitch, D. , & A Stagnitti, K. ( 2012 ) . Better entree to mental wellness plan influence of mental wellness occupational therapy. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59, 437-444. division of the Interior 10.1111/1440-1630.12005Saint matthews, M. K. , & A Barr, J. ( 2010 ) . Theory, definitions and context for mental wellness publicity. In scoop out pattern guidelines for mental wellness publicity plans Older grownups 55+ .Therese.S. ( 2005 ) Promoting wellness by creativeness an debut. In T.Schmid ( Eds. ) , Promoting wellness through creativeness for professionals in wellness, humanistic disciplines and instruction, Whurr, London.Shives, L. R. ( 2002 ) . fundamental constructs of psychiatric mental wellness care for ( 5th ed. ) . Philadelphia F.A Davis.World Health composition ( 1986, November 21 ) . Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion First International host on Health Promotion. NASPA Student affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol // % 281 % 29.pdf
Comm 287 Study Guide
COMM 287 ADVERTSING AS SOCIAL COMMUNICATION training GUIDE 1 Questions for bran-new Branded ground by Naomi Klein On commonize Sut Jh onlyy vs. pack Twitchell Advertising as Religion by Sut Jhally spr aside No Logo Film The Diamond Empire Naomi Klein New Branded World 1. What idea was the gospel of the work age? Bolstering ane(a)s mark mutilate name was important 2. What consensus emerged near corporations in the 1980s? Corporations were bloated, oversized, birthed too a bargain, secondive too umpteen mint, and were weighed d bear with too worldly concerny things 3. What race were new companies such(prenominal) as Nike and Microsoft competing in?A race to own the least and utilization the fewest concourse rivaling the traditional all Ameri peck firearmufacturers for mart sh be. hey claimed that producing goods was only spell of their operations 4. What tools and materials argon needed for creating a stigma? daub extensions, al counsellings renewed image ry for trade and, close to of all, wise(p) new spaces to disseminate the greases idea of itself 5. What is the dissimilitude among the crack and the advertise handst? Advertising any addicted w be is only one part of marks autocratic plan, as atomic number 18 sponsorship and logo licensing.Think of the brand as the core core of the modem corporation, and of the advertisement as one vehicle utilisationd to convey that meaning to the instauration. 6. What was the scratch line function of branding? The beginning(a) task of branding was to bestow proper names on generic goods such as sugar, flour, soap and cereal 7. check to adman Bruce Barton what was the part of announce? In 1923 Barton evince that the role of advertizement was to encourage corporations scrape their soul. The intelligence of a preacher, he drew on his religious upbringing for plifting messages I standardized to animadvert of ad as something big, something splendid, something which goes deep down into an institution and earns apply of the soul of it. Institutions discombobulate souls, tho as men and nations fix souls 8. Where did the search for the true meaning of the brand usurp the agencies? The search for the true meaning of brands or the brand essence, as it is often called gradually took the agencies past from individual products and their attri scarcelyes and toward a psychological/anthropological interrogatory of what brands mean to the finis and to peoples lives. 9. wherefore was the purchase of Kraft by Phillip Morris salient news for the ad manhood? This was spectacular news for the ad world, which was now able to get nether ones skin the claim that advertising spending was oft than just a sales strategy it was an investment in cold hard equity. The more than you spend, the more your confederacy is worth. 10. What did the radical shift in corporal philosophy towards the value of branding send manufactures to engage in? Increased adver tising 11. What does David Lubars call consumers? David Lubars, a elderly ad executive in the Omnicom Group, explains the industrys guiding dogma with more bottomdor than or so.Consumers, he says, ar like roaches you spray them and spray them and they get immune after a while. 12. What is the experiential communication industry? A $30 billion bill industry. It is the staging of such brand pieces of corporate per bringance art and more. (ads on park benches, sidewalks, phone calls) 13. What happened on Marlboro Friday? it refers to a jerky announcement from Philip Morris that it would slash the footing of Marlboro cig arttes by 20 percent in an attempt to repugn with sof dickensod brands that were eating into its market. 14.What was Marlboro Friday a culmination of? it was the culmination of geezerhood of escalating anxiety in the face of some kinda dramatic shifts in consumer habits that were confabulaten to be eroding the market sh be of ho expendhold-name brands, from Tide to Kraft. 15. What happened to corporate strategy as a result of the bargain craze of the archeozoic nineties? Advertising spending went down. Many immovable to prescribe their money into promotions such as givea ways, contests, in-store displays and (like Marlboro) price reductions The bargain craze of the archean nineties shake the name brands to their core.Suddenly it seemed smarter to put resources into price reductions and otherwise incentives than into improbably expensive ad campaigns. 16. consort to the agencies what would competing on the footing of real value ingest to? Stooping to compete on the background of real value, the agencies ominously warned, would firearm non just the death of the brand, only when corporate death as well. 17. How did companies such as bump, Pepsi, McDonalds, Burger king and Disney respond to the brand crisis? And when the brands crashed, these companies didnt even nonice they were mark to the bone. They always underst ood that they were selling brands before product.They had their catch fixed on global expansion. 18. How did The Body reveal and Starbucks foster violenceful brand identities? What the success of both(prenominal) the Body Shop and Starbucks showed was how far the branding projection had come in moving beyond stir ones logo on a billboard. Here were two companies that had fostered government agencyful identities by reservation their brand purpose into a virus and sending it aside into the culture via a variety show of channels cultural sponsorship, policy-making controversy, the consumer cause and brand extensions. 19. agree to Scott Bedbury what must brands set up?Emotional ties because at that places no difference mingled with products 20. What is the difference between advertising and branding? Advertising is close to hawking product. Branding, in its truest and most advanced incarnations, is closely corporate transcendence. 21. What was the new consensus that true as a result of the success of the brand builders? The brand builders conquered and a new consensus was born the products that pass on flourish in the future allow be the ones presented not as commodities just as concepts the brand as experience, as life style. 22. How do brands present themselves on-line(a)?It is on-line that the purest brands are creation built emancipate from the realworld burdens of stores and product manufacturing, these brands are free to soar, less as the disseminators of goods or services than as collective hallucinations. . 23. How does turkey cock Peters separate types of companies? The top one-half Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Disney, and so on are pure players in brainware. The bottom half Ford and GM are still lumpy-object purveyors, though automobiles are much(prenominal) smarter than they used to be, Peters writes in The Circle of Innovation (1997), an ode to the power of merchandise over takings. 24.In the new context of use how did ad ag encies present themselves to their clients? 25. What does Phil Knight commemorate Nikes thrill is? its mission is not to sell shoes but to enhance peoples lives finished sports and fitness and to go the incantation of sports alive. 26. concord to flush toilet Hegarty, what is Polaroid? Polaroids problem, diagnosed the chairman of its advertising agency, put-on Hegarty, was that they unplowed reckoning of themselves as a television camera. precisely the brand vision process taught us something Polaroid is not a camera its a well-dis represent lubricant. 27. How does Tibor Kalman sum up the break role of the brand? The original notion of the brand was quality, but now brand is a rhetorical badge of courage. 28. accord to Richard Branson, what do you build brands approximately? The idea, he explains, is to build brands not around products but around reputation. 29. What is Tommy Hilfiger in the subscriber line of? Tommy Hilfiger, meanwhile, is less in the communic ation channel of manufacturing clothes than he is in the business of signing his name. The entire company is run through licensing agreements. 30. According to capital of Minnesota Otellini, how is Intel like Coke? Paul S. Otellini, replied that lntel is like Coke.One brand, many different products. 31. According to surface-to-air missile Hill, Jack McGrath and Sandeep Dayal what can besides be brand? Based on extensive research, we would argue that you can indeed brand not only sand, but also wheat, beef, brick, metals, concrete, chemicals, corn grits and an endless variety of commodities traditionally considered immune to the process. On Advertising Sut Jhally vs James Twirchell 1. As a social scientist, what question is Jhally fire in? As a social scientist, I am fire in the question of finale what structures the world and how we live in it. . What is Marxs apophthegm that Jhally works with? I work with Marxs aphorism philosophers help us understand the world, but the point is to trans assure it. 3. What was Twitchell amazed by in terms of what his students knew? I was amazed by how little my students knew ab appear literary ante upoffs compared to advertising. 4. What roughly the material world interests Twitchell? Im interested in why the material world has been so overlooked. why has it been so denigrated? Why are we convinced that gaiety cant come from it? 5. Why is Jhally interested in advertising, climax out of the Marxist tradition?The reason I am interested in advertising, coming out of that tradition, is that advertising links those two things together. It allows us to let the cat out of the bag virtually both the material world and the world of symbolism and culture. 6. What is Jhallys prospect driven by? Political factors not moral ones 7. What according to Jhally, corroborate advertisers realized since the 1920s? Theyve realized since the 1920s that things dont wangle people happy, that what drives people is a social life. 8. Wh y doesnt Jhally agree with Twitchell, when he (Twitchell) says that advertisers are delivering to people what they expect?Advertisers are delivering images of what people say they want attached to the things advertisers sell. 9. What vision does Jhally see in advertising? A vision of socialism 10. Why does Twitchell think advertising excludes communal desires? because they are not as high on most peoples agendas as they are for those of us in our fifties. Maybe most people are not as interested in the things we say we are interested in such as family and fraternity. Maybe they are more interested in individual happiness. 11. Why doesnt Jhally think that we can accept that advertisers conjecture peoples real call for and desires?Advertising dominates so much that it leaves little room for alternate vision 12. According to Jhally, where is the only place in the culture where there is still in dependant thinking going on? The academy (universities) 13. Why does Jhally think that s tudents do not follow through on the politics they sincerely think in once they leave high education? When they leave school, they have a lot of debt that they have to do whatever they can to bedevil money. 14. Why does Jhally disagree with Twitchells claim that the media outline reflects most peoples ideas and desires? It has to do with access, not ideas.Everything is dependent on ad revenues, rather than worldly concern service. 15. How do Jhally and Twitchell disagree when it comes to the question of power? Jhally cater is coming from the outside in. As if these corporate interests are over there doing things to us. Twitchell ads are the articulated will of consumers rather than the air pumped out by commercial interests. 16. Why does Twitchell think people secure baseball diamonds when they know them to be worthless? The need to contract ceremony, to fetishize moments of great anxiety 17. According to Jhally, what does the diamond illustration point to?It points to ho w ads work (by reaching to human needs) capitalist economy works because it talks about real needs that drive people. 18. According to Jhally what is real and false about advertising? Real its appeals False the answers it provides to those appeals 19. According to Jhally, why is happiness a zero-sum game? Because although things are connected to happiness, it is always in a relative state ( in terms of what other people also have at that time. 20. What does Marx say about people making history people pass their own history/meaning, but not in conditions of their own choosing 1. According to Jhally, what happens when you look at only one side of Marxs aphorism on making history? You get a distorted behold 22. According to Jhally, why did the Soviet Union travel by apart? No one believed in it. They could see images of an alternative coming out of the west. 23. Why does Twitchell think advertising is not a trick? Because he sees trickery not as them pulling a trick on us but us act ively collaborating in the process 24. What is Twitchells view of morality in advertising? It doesnt figure into it. Ad has 1 moral value grease ones palms Stuff.Billboards ( immoral. The application of moral concerns to ads is feckless. 25. According to Jhally, what is the last way you should evaluate advertising? Whether advertising is telling the righteousness or not. There is nothing to evaluate in ads. 26. What does Twitchell think people are after in advertising? These patterns that have to so with belonging, with ordering, with making feel 27. How does Twitchell answer the question of whether advertising is art? ruse is whatever he says it is. Art= what people who acquire literature, art, run galleries, edit magazines say it is. 28.Where does Twitchell see power emanating from in holiness? The congregation behind the soapbox (supermarket a compounds) Sut Jhally Advertising as Religion The Dialectic of applied science and misrepresentation 1. What private did capita lism expunge that precedent modes of production had not? (p. 218) capitalism discovered the secret of material production and proceeded to install it as its substitution and defining activity 2. In older non-market societies how could we dispose peoples dealingships with goods? (p. 219) A much more direct connection between the 2. people produced the goods the consumed for the most part. . What feature of goods did Marx recognize and install into his methodological manikin? (p. 219) Goods are communicators of social relations 4. Why did Marx stick his analysis with the Commodity? (p. 219) Because if one could understand how the community was produced, exchanged and consumed, then one would have the basis of an understanding of the entire system of capitalist relations 5. What happens to the real meaning of goods in capitalist production and wasting disease? (p. 220) 6. What does T. Jackson Lears argue about the early years of the 20th snow (p. 220) That feeling replaced en tropy . What had happened to the quest for health by the 20th carbon (p. 220) It had mother almost entirely a blasphemous process -advertisers picked up on these exploited worked up needs 8. How does advertising resemble the therapeutic world? (p. 221) All overarching structures of meaning had collapsed 9. In the consumer society what takes over the functions of traditional culture? (p. 221) The market place and consumption 10. What is the function of advertising with regard to the relation between object and producer? (p. 221) To refill the emptied goodness with meaning ads ( initial emptying out 11.In the defend of cultism how does the consumer society respond to the emergeance of the immense line of battle of commodities (p. 222) Celebratory mode celebrate the great oil-bearing capacities of industrial society as reflected in products 12. What are the early stages of national advertising characterized by? (p. 222) Products are dominant/transcendent/ awesome 13. What stra tegy did advertisers use to call forth a religious experience with objects? (p. 223) -visual cliches vague forms of sacred symbolism -transformed products into a lieutenant trigger 14. How does advertising develop in the stage of Iconology? (p. 23) -moves from the worship of commodities to their meaning within a social context. Products + sight = embodiment of social values ( ads are meaning-bared 15. In the stage of Narcissism how is the power of the product predominantly manifested? (p. 223-4) Through the strategy of Black Magic people undergo physical transformations or the commodity can be used to entrance/ becharm other ppl. 16. In the stage of Totemism, what do goods take the place of? (p. 224) Natural species 17. In the contemporary market place how is the person-object relationship articulated? (p. 224) Psychologically, physically, socially 8. How does advertising reflect the world that Marx defined as characteristic of capitalism? (p. 224) A place of magic and fetishis m ( goods are autonomous, they are in relationships with each other and where they appear in fantastic forms (with humans) 19. What is the real function of advertising if not to give people information? (p. 225) To make people feel good 20. What is advertising a secular version of and why? (p. 225) God. They can get together us and justify our choices 21. What two gospels does John Kavanaugh identify? (p. 226) Commodity form Personal form 22.At what level does advertising as a faith locomote? (p. 226) Mundane, everyday level 23. What kind of religion can advertising be compared to? (p. 227) 19th century west Africa tribes ( Fetishism 24. According to Raymond Williams, what choice does fresh advertising obscure? (p. 228) The choice between man as consumer and man as user 25. In the world of advertising the spirits of what invade the commodity and supply its power? (p. 229) The spirits of technology Film No Logo 1. What did the new political reason identified by Klein in the mid mid-nineties take issue with? The growing power of multinational corps . What fundamental shift in marketing thought is reflected by lifestyle branding? caution babble ( if companies treasured success, their true product was their idea, not products 3. What does this fundamental shift explain? New forms of marketing, violate on public sphere, less choice -hearing more about the quality of work 4. What was the function of the first brands? Comfort and personal relationships 5. What does Klein mean by brand tribes Sell lifestyles ( ex. nike type of person 6. What idea did Coke sell in the 60s? Peace and love, youth and lifestyle 7. What did Disney sell? The American Dream 8.What does Nike sell? The record of sport, athletic ability of star athletes 9. How does the new marketing approach differ from the old one? impudent goes out into the culture and actually sees where people are using products 10. What is distinctive about the town exultation? Created by Disney ( reps the Ameri can Dream Worlds first branded town ( no brands there 11. How does the colonization of public space pose a fundamental flagellum to democracy? No choice anymore ( ads are EVERYWHERE lost the idea of the public 12. How are shopping malls a striking physical exercise of this risk of exposure? They are private but designed to simulate a town square 3. What is different about the contemporary power of corporations than previously? -corps are on private property ( no freedom of dialect and expression they patch up what to put in their stores ( they nail down who makes money 14. How does Walmarts family values brand individuality clash with free speech? Lyrics, pics on magazines, and so on ( dont fit their image 15. What do companies now see as their primary role? Producing brands and image meaning (logos) 16. How does a Nike sneaker get produced and by whom? stone-broker in hong kong send them to factories and contractors to find the cheapest place 17.What is the Nike trope? Finding cheapest places for the production and remunerative low wages 18. How are wages kept low by companies? Tightly controlling a work rack (no unions) 19. What are export touch on zones? Industrial parks (produces goods for our exploits) 20. Why is the work force in free trade zones largely schoolgirlish and female? They come from provinces and women are easier to control 21. What contradicts the much heralded claim that globalisation will lead to development in poor countries? Labor is cheaper out east and they pay very little 22. How is the Nike example a case study in role player abuse?Countries began competing to see who could abuse their workers more 23. When companies decide to build the brand, what is at the cost of? Company sells off factories 24. How are American and European workers casualties of globalization and the Nike paradigm? People who had steady jobs lost them 25. What are McJobs? People who sell products for mega jobs, not real ones 26. Who are the two biggest employers in the U. S. Wal-mart and man power 27. How can a shoe tell the story of globalization It was produces all over the world 28. What are brand-based investigative activities?Campaigns look behind the brand to see how products are produced 29. What have become the most visible targets of globalization? Brands produced globally (china, korea, etc) 30. What is the line of riot cops guarding a McDonalds or a Starbucks symbolic of? Theyre guarding the entry point to globalization 31. How can you shop ethically in this context? Support businesses that are ethical, buy in bulk as a school m become apart of the global movement 32. If you handgrip avocation the logos, where do you end up? Doorstep of the institutions that are writing the rules of global trade 33.What is being articulated by the street protests outside the meetings of the global pecuniary institutions ? Reclaiming the public ( the world isnt for sale 34. What forms can anti-corporate activism take? Culture jamming, ad busting (climbing on a billboard) Questions on film THE DIAMOND EMPIRE 1. What did Edward Epstein discover is the real business of the diamond industry? curb what people knew/got 2. Why cant DeBeers operate legally in the United States? Because it is a monopoly 3. According to Thomas Helsby, what makes the diamond cartel different from other cartels?It is controlled by a single company (which is possess by Anglo-Americans which is owned by DeBeers) Interlocking monomania 4. What makes DeBeers monopoly of diamonds an astonishing feat? Supply of diamonds is plentiful and exuberant 5. What threat did Ernest Oppenheimer make to become Chairman of DeBeers? He would flood the world market with diamonds 6. What did a DeBeers tap engineer warn of in 1930? The diamond monopoly is dependent on the fact that the general public believes diamonds are rare 7. What was the simplest answer to the potential threat posed by small diamond mines? To buy them out 8.How does Foudad Kamil describe the operation that he ran for DeBeers when investigating unlicensed diamond dealing and smuggling Terrorist groups, black market. Broke the law, beatings, punishments, kidnapped, took them as prisoners. Buying offices in jungles 9. The rise of what presented a new challenge to the diamond cartel? The rise of African Nationalism (1960) 10. What did DeBeers do when Mobutu Sese Seke emerged as the potentate of Zaire? Send in American businessman, Templesman. cause to mend relations with Mobutu regime. 11. What term is used to describe how the Mobutu regime operated in regard to atural resources such as diamonds? Cliptocracy ( organizing principle is one of theft 12. What did Debeers do to keep diamonds from Angola from flooding the market and depressing prices? Spent $1/2 billionregulated diamond exploit 13. According to Edward Epstein, what is DeBeers objective when mines are discovered in inconvenient places? Prevent mines from being developed that are outside their con trol and come up with ways to prevent these diamonds from reaching the market. 14. What is Ernest Oppenheimer supposed to have through in regards to the diamond mine in Murfreesboro in Arkansas?Illegally influenced the closing of the mine to keep diamonds off the market 15. What was DeBeers response when American strategists wanted industrial diamonds during the Second World War for the production of weapons? DeBeers hesitated ( they denied US free access to industrial diamonds 16. Who was DeBeers alleged to have supplied diamonds to during the Second World War? Hitler , Germany 17. What did an probe by the Justice Department conclude about the DeBeers actions with regard to the industrial diamonds it did provide to the Unites States during the war? DeBeers overcharged US 18.What did DeBeers wartime advertising appeal to? American Patriotism ( nonrecreational for mining which produces diamonds we need to win war 19. According to Edward Epstein, what was the major way that DeBeers wanted diamonds to be introduced when scenes were write into the movies? In a way that was considered favorable ( man had to surprise woman and present her with a diamond 20. What did the British royal family become in regards to DeBeers? sales agents 21. What fear did the slogan a diamond is constantly arise out of? Fear that sales would be cut if second hand jewelry was put out in the market 22.According to DeBeers message to its dealers, what is its purpose? Convince consumer to buy diamonds for every romantic milepost (cultural imperative) 23. How did DeBeers respond to the stripping of diamond mines in Siberia? did business with Russians 24. What does Thomas Helsby think is amusing about the timeless existence ring? Filled with stones from Siberia 25. Who comprises a significant part of the Indian labor pool that cuts small diamonds? 750,000 cutters 100,000 children under 13 26. What have Indian diamonds made potential? Low price jewelry 27. How did DeBeers respond to th e discovery of a diamond mine in Australia?Mobilized be to reduce prices 28. According to Walter Adams, what does the Sherman Act say? As long as you have enough competitors and act independently public interest will be protected. 29. According to DeBeers executives, what is the easiest airport in the United States to use if you need to leave the country when a subpoena ad testificandum is issued? Chicago OHaras Airport 30. According to Edward Russell what did his boss at GE tell him about competing with DeBeers in the gem market? We won t compete with DeBeers 31. What evidence does Edward Russell give for his belief that GE is involved in a cartel with DeBeers? aft(prenominal) he was terminated, identical price increase was employ 32. While Harry Oppenheimer has criticized the apartheid system in due south Africa, why does Duncan Hines think he is not being genuine? He claims he opposes the apartheid system, but in so far he makes money from it 33. How did DeBeers create a mini ng workforce from black people living on the play? Unskilled workers ( they forced them off the land by enforcing taxes the black people didnt have cash so they had to work in mines to pay the taxes 34. What are working conditions like for the miners in south-central Africa? Long hours, not much to eat, harsh bear conditions 5. How did the revulsion of the world to the brutality of apartheid contribute to the result of the Oppenheimers power within South Africa? Investors withdrew investments, international companies in South Africa got out of the country 36. What may be the cartels greatest accomplishment? transform the illusion that diamonds are valuable into a populace 37. Why is the diamond deception not a one-person play? Deceiver and deceived . The person who is deceived plays a part in the deception as well. Its future rests in all of the people who believe its myths and carry on the value.
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